Figure 9-12.--Fluid purification system.
cleaning procedures, and perform tests upon
until a quantity of fluid equal to the equipment
reservoir capacity has passed through the unit. Closely
completion of purging to ensure satisfactory removal
monitor the reservoir level during the operation,
of all cleaning agents. Whenever possible, purging
adding new filtered fluid as required. This prevents the
operations are to be accomplished at a naval aviation
reservoir level from dropping below the one-third full
depot facility (NADEP). Intermediate maintenance
activities are not authorized to perform system purging
without direct depot supervision.
Take a sample and analyze the output and the
Q9-28. Where is the nonbypass filter installed on a
improvement but is still unacceptable, repeat the
support equipment unit used to test or service
flushing operation. If extensive flushing fails to
an aircraft hydraulic system?
decontaminate the equipment, you should request
Q9-29. What can be used in place of an approved
assistance from the supporting engineering activity.
metal closure to protect fittings on a hydraulic
test stand?
Upon successful completion of system flushing,
recirculation clean the equipment for a minimum
Q9-30. What is the purpose of air bleeding a piece of
period. Then, take a sample from the system to verify
hydraulic support equipment?
Q9-31. What is one method used to keep air from
you have done this, service the reservoir.
being introduced into a hydraulic system
PURGING.--Purging of a support equipment
when you are replacing a component?
hydraulic system is performed only upon
Q9-32. What function must be accomplished prior to
recommendation from, and under the direct
connecting a test stand to an aircraft?
supervision of, the cognizant engineering activity. It is
the responsibility of the cognizant engineering activity
Q9-33. What cleaner is used to clean all sampling
points on a hydraulic test stand?
to select the required cleaning agents, provide detailed