bands contain the hose military specification number,
size indicated by a dash (-) and a number, operating
Bulk hose identification will vary with the
pressure, and the manufacturer's federal supply code
materials from which the hose is constructed. It is
number. Refer to figure 10-2.
important that you are able to clearly identify the proper
hose to be used by recognizing the various hose
Hose fittings are designed and constructed in
accordance with military specifications and military
Synthetic Rubber
standard drawings for particular hose configurations
Synthetic rubber hose (if rubber-covered) is
and operating pressures.
identified by the indicator stripe and markings that are
Fittings designated by a military standard drawing
stenciled along the length of the hose. The indicator
number have a particular dash number to indicate size.
stripe (also called the lay line because of its use in
The fitting dash number does not designate a size in the
determining the straightness or lie of a hose) is a series
same manner as a hose dash number. The fitting dash
of dots or dashes. The markings (letters and numerals)
number corresponds to the dash number of the hose so
contain the military specification, the hose size, the
that both will match at the critical dimensions to form a
cure date, and the manufacturer's federal supply code
hose assembly.
number. This information is repeated at intervals of 9
Materials used in the construction of fittings vary
inches. Refer to figure 10-2.
according to the application. Materials include
Size is indicated by a dash followed by a number
aluminum, carbon steel, and corrosion-resistant steel.
(referred to as a dash number). The dash number does
Fittings that qualify under one military document may
not denote the inside or outside diameter of the hose. It
be produced by several manufacturers. Two methods or
refers to the equivalent outside diameter of rigid tube
styles are used to secure the hose fitting on to the hose.
size in sixteenths (1/16) of an inch. A dash 8 (-8) mates
They are the reusable and swage or crimp style.
to a number 8 rigid tube, which has an outside diameter
of one-half inch (8/16). The inside of the hose will not
Reusable Style
be one-half inch, but slightly smaller to allow for tube
The preferred reusable style has modified internal
threads in the socket to grip the hose properly. The
The cure date is provided for age control. It is
fitting can be disassembled from a hose assembly and
indicated by the quarter of the year and year. The year is
reused on another hose, provided it passes an inspection
for defects. Reusable style fittings are authorized
1st quarter -- January, February, March
replacement fittings for replacement hose assemblies.
2d quarter -- April, May, June
Swage or Crimp Style
3d quarter -- July, August, September
Some hose assembly manufacturers use a
4th quarter -- October, November, December
swage or crimp style. This style requires the socket
The cure date is also marked on bulk hose
to be permanently deformed by an electric- or
containers in accordance with Military Standard 129
hydraulic-powered machine. The deformed socket and
related hardware are to be scrapped.
Synthetic rubber hose (if wire-braid covered) is
identified by bands wrapped around the hose at the ends
and at intervals along the length of the hose. Each band
Hose fittings are assemblies of separate parts.
is marked with the same information (fig. 10-2).
These parts are the nipple, the socket, the swivel nut or
flange, and the sleeve. The nipple is the part that fits the
Teflon Hose
inside diameter of the hose. Nipples have three
configurations for the hose-to-tube or component
Teflon hose is identified by metal bands or pliable
surface-sealing portion. They are the flared, flareless,
plastic bands at the ends and at 3-foot intervals. These