To weld on aircraft structural parts, you must be a
X-rays can be a health hazard when
certified welder. To be certified as an aircraft welder,
improperly used because of what factor?
you must pass a qualification test conducted in the
What method of inspection uses vibration or
presence of a Navy inspector. Passing this test entitles
sound waves?
you to a certificate signed by the inspector attesting that
What inspection method is used to detect
you are capable of welding the class of material and
discontinuities parallel to the test surface on
type of weld indicated on the certificate.
materials one-half inch thick or greater?
Naval aviation depots (NADEPs) have training
What is the best inspection method to use
programs for the benefit of those desiring to qualify as
around fastener holes, cylindrical com-
aircraft welders, and they have facilities for testing.
ponents, and welds?
What ultrasonic method is used to detect
surface cracks and subsurface discontinuities
Only currently certified aeronautical welders may
in field activities?
weld on aeronautical equipment. Initial certification is
attained by satisfactory completion of Navy training
course(s) N-701-0007 and/or N-701-0009, as
applicable. Certification can also be obtained by
magnetic field are known as what type of
documented satisfactory completion of equivalent
training in accordance with Aeronautical and Support
What type of coil has the ability to better
Equipment Welding Manual, NA 01-1A-34, and
define the exact location of discontinuities?
satisfactory completion of recertification testing. If
A simple, inexpensive, and reliable method
proficiency is maintained, the recertification interval
for detecting discontinuities that are open to
for IMA-level aeronautical equipment welders is 3
the surface is known as what type of inspec-
years. Maintaining proficiency requires documented
frequency of use, as specified in NA 01-1A-34. Failure
to maintain proficiency in any group(s) of metals will
terminate current certification in that/those group(s).
Recertification is normally accomplished by
locally producing acceptable test welds and submitting
qualifications and recertification process to
those welds to the nearest authorized welding
become a certified welder. Identify the dif-
examination and evaluation facility. Examination and
ferent types of welding processes. Identify var-
evaluation facilities must complete required testing of
ious equipment and materials used in welding.
test weld specimens and provide test results and
Welding is the most practical of the many
recertification documentation, as appropriate, to the
metal-joining processes available to aircraft manufac-
affected welder's command within 30 days of the test
turers. The welded joint offers rigidity, simplicity, low
weld(s) receipt.
weight, high strength, and low-cost production equip-
Detailed procedures for obtaining test plates,
ment. Consequently, welding has been universally
production and submission of test welds, and
adopted in the building of all types of aircraft. Many
documentation are contained in NA 01-1A-34.
structural parts, as well as nonstructural parts, are
TYCOMs/ACCs may extend current certification of
joined by some form of welding, and the repair of these
welders for a maximum of 90 days in cases where test
many parts is an indispensable part of aircraft
welds have been submitted but results and
recertification documentation have not been received
from the cognizant examination and evaluation facility.
Welders whose test specimens fail to meet minimum
requirements are allowed one retest. This retest will
For advancement, you should be familiar with the
require submission of a double set of test welds of the
operation of welding equipment and materials. You
failed group(s) of metal(s) to the same examination and
should also be able to perform simple welding, brazing,
evaluation facility that failed the test welds first
soldering, and cutting operations on ferrous and
submitted. Welding examination and evaluation
nonferrous metals.