maintenance has been completed and that all tools have
4. That all equipment, in the work centers or tool
been accounted for.
and calibrated at the prescribed interval.
3. If any tool is found to be missing during the
5. That defective tools received from supply are
prior to reporting the work completed or signing off the
reported to the Fleet Material Support Office
VIDS/MAF. If the tool cannot be located, notify the
(FLEMATSUPPO) via CAT II Quality Deficiency
maintenance officer or assistant maintenance officer
Reports (QDRs).
via the work center supervisor and maintenance control
6. That tools of poor quality are reported to
to ensure that the aircraft or equipment is not released.
If the tool cannot be located after the maintenance
7. That VIDS/MAFs are annotated with a tool
officer's directed search, the person doing the
container number, and appropriate initials are obtained
investigation will personally sign a statement in the
following task completion/work stoppage.
Corrective Action block of the VIDS/MAF that a lost
8. That the department's tool control environment
tool investigation was conducted and that the tool could
is maintained when work is to be performed by
not be found. Subsequently, the normal VIDS/MAF
contractor maintenance teams or depot field
completion process will be followed.
teams. A QAR will brief field team/contractor
The flight engineer/crew chief (senior maintenance
supervisor/leader(s) upon their arrival regarding the
man in the absence of an assigned crew chief) will
activity's TCP. Depot teams working in O- or I-level
assume the responsibilities of the work center
facilities will comply with the host activity's TCP.
supervisor applicable to the TCP in the event of
in-flight maintenance or maintenance performed on the
aircraft at other than home station.
All work center supervisors have specific
Q1-1. The tool control program is based on what
responsibilities under the TCP. All tool containers
inventory concept?
should have a lock and key as part of their inventory.
Q1-2. What officer is responsible for coordinating
The supervisor should be aware of the location of each
the tool control program?
container's keys and have a way of controlling them.
When work is to be completed away from the
Q1-3. What division is responsible for monitoring
workspaces (for example, the flight line/flight deck),
the tool control program?
complete tool containers, not a handful of tools, should
Q1-4. Tools of poor quality are reported to what
be taken to the job. If more tools are needed than the
tool container contains, tool tags can be used to check
Q1-5. Who has the overall responsibility for control
out tools from other tool containers in the work center
of all tool containers and their keys?
or from another work center. The following is a list of
additional responsibilities of the work center
Q1-6. What officer must be notified that a missing
tool cannot be found?
1. Upon task assignment, note the number of the
tool container on copy 1 of the VIDS/MAF, left of the
accumulated work hours section. A sight inventory will
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify sources
be conducted by the technician prior to commencement
of information regarding hazards within the
of each task, and all shortages will be noted. Every
AM rating. Recognize terms applicable to
measure must be taken to ensure that missing tools do
hazardous situations and materials.
performed before a shift change, when work stoppage
Many different materials are used in the workplace.
occurs, after maintenance has been completed, and
Some are hazardous. You must know where to retrieve
before conducting an operational systems check on the
information on these materials used in and around naval
aircraft. The MIMs give information on correct
maintenance practices, but may not always give
2. When all tools are accounted for and all
complete information regarding necessary safety
maintenance actions have been completed, the work
center supervisor signs the VIDS/MAF, signifying that