conditions. These terms are used in most technical
chain-of-command responsibilities are covered in
manuals prepared for the Navy.
OPNAVINST 5100.19 (series) and OPNAVINST
5100.23 (series).
The following is a list of safety hazard words and
definitions as they appear in most naval aviation
Work center supervisors are responsible for
technical manuals.
training work center personnel in the use of the MSDS.
Furthermore, they must ensure that personnel under
their supervision are trained on the hazards associated
with the material and are equipped with the proper
protective equipment before using any hazardous
An operating procedure, practice, or
condition, etc., that may result in injury or death if
All sections of the MSDS form are important, and
not carefully observed or followed.
contain information to accomplish a task without
causing damage to equipment or personnel. Always
ensure that you are using the correct MSDS with the
material being used. You should check the MILSPEC,
part number, federal stock number, and the name of the
An operating procedure, practice, or
manufacturer. Never use the MSDS with different
condition, etc., that may result in damage or
manufacturers. The formula for a given product may
destruction to equipment if not carefully observed
differ and still meet the specification requirements. The
or followed.
handling and safety requirements will effectively
change based on different manufacturers.
Threshold Limit Value (TLV) in sections II and V
of the MSDS are established by the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
An operating procedure, practice,
(CGIH). TLVs refer to airborne concentrations of a
condition, etc., that is essential to emphasize.
substance and represent conditions that nearly all
workers may be exposed, day after day, without adverse
SHALL has been used only when application of a
effects. You should know the effects of overexposure
procedure is mandatory.
and the emergency procedures required before using
SHOULD has been used only when application of
any material.
a procedure is recommended.
MAY and NEED NOT have been used only when
a list of materials and conditions to avoid that could
application of a procedure is optional.
cause special hazards. Prompt cleanup of spills and
leaks will lessen the chance of harm to personnel and
WILL has been used only to indicate futurity,
the environment. Section VII (Spill or Leak
never to indicate any degree of requirement for
Procedures) of the MSDS lists the required steps to be
application of a procedure.
taken for cleanup and proper disposal methods.
Q1-7. W h a t t w o m a n u a l s o u t l i n e t h e
You should be familiar with section VIII (Special
chain-of-command responsibilities in regards
Protective Information) of the MSDS. In doing so, you
to occupational safety?
will protect yourself and others from dangerous
Q1-8. What is the primary source of information
exposure. Some protective equipment is complex and
involving the use of hazardous materials?
requires special training in proper use and care. Never
use a respirator that you have not fit-tested to wear.
Q1-9. Who is responsible for training shop person-
Always check to see that the cartridge installed meets
nel in the use of the material safety data
the requirements of the MSDS. If you use a respirator
you have not been trained for or fitted to, or with the
In naval aviation technical manuals, what
wrong cartridge installed, it can be as dangerous to your
safety term is used to indicate an operating
health as wearing no protection at all.
procedure, practice, or condition that may
You need to be aware of word usage and intended
result in injury or death if not carefully
meaning as pertains to hazardous equipment and/or