multipurpose initiators, and two ballistic mani-
The catapult (fig. 2-4) secures the ejection seat to
The seat bucket assembly includes the underseat
the aircraft structure and provides the initial power for
rocket motor, leg restraint system, ejection
the ejection of the seat. The catapult consists of an outer
control handle, safe/armed handle, emergency
barrel, an inner telescopic piston, and a catapult
restraint release system, and shoulder harness
manifold valve. The barrel is attached to the aircraft
release fittings.
structure and the piston and barrel are engaged at the
The parachute assembly consists of the para-
top end by the top latch plunger installed in the main
beam assembly.
chute container and parachute canopy.
Explosive charges are contained in an ejection gun
The seat survival kit includes the emergency
initiator JAU-56A and a secondary cartridge. Gas
oxygen system, liferaft, survival aids, lap belts,
pressure from the seat firing system or the aircraft
and release fittings.
Figure 2-4.--Catapult assembly, forward seat (SJU-17(V)2/A).