Do not work on any type of electrical apparatus
Q7-29. Which of the following statements best
with wet hands or while you are wearing wet clothing.
describes the operation of the load bank?
Do not wear loose or flapping clothing. The use of
1. It is a universal, self-contained load bank
thin-soled shoes with metal plates or hobnails is
that requires no external input for
prohibited. Wear safety shoes with nonconducting
soles, if available. Do not wear flammable articles.
2. The input power cables must be loaded
When working on electrical or electronic
separately to prevent damage to the load
a p p a r a t u s , y o u s h o u l d fi r s t r e m ove a l l r i n g s ,
wristwatches, bracelets, and similar metal items. Make
3. Both ac and dc sections of the load bank
sure your clothing does not contain exposed zippers,
may be operated individually or
metal buttons, or any type of metal fastener.
Warning signs and suitable guards should be
4. If the ac and dc sections are used
provided to prevent personnel from coming into
simultaneously, they can only be loaded
accidental contact with high voltages.
to half the rated capacity to prevent
Low-Voltage Precautions
damage to the load bank
Q7-30. Which of the following items is NOT a
Most p e o p l e n eve r r e a l i z e t h e d a n g e r s o f
protection circuit of the load bank?
low-voltage electric shock. These hazards are ever
present; it is surprising how dangerous they can be.
DC undervoltage
Defective hand tools and improper usage can be
Thermal overload
c o r r e c t e d , bu t s o m e h a z a r d s a lwa y s ex i s t . A n
Cooling airflow failure
awareness of their existence seems to be the answer. In
AC overvoltage
general beware of any voltage.
Q7-31. Which of the following precautions is NOT a
Think safety first. Working with power generating
recommended safety precaution when
support equipment can be a very dangerous job, even if
you fully understand the units. Because of the potential
working on a live electrical circuit?
dangers involved, you must be extra cautious and work
1. The worker should be insulated from
with another person when the units are operated. Two
heads are better and safer than one.
2. The worker should, if possible, use only
Q7-28. Which of the following load banks is used for
one hand to accomplish the repairs
testing the output power of a mobile electric
3. The worker should never work alone
power plant?
4. The worker should use only USDA
approved tools
The UN/USM-128
The DA-675/MSM
The UT-365/USM
The DM-645/SMS