Q13-19. Where is the "pinch area" on the flight deck
The solution tank (fig. 13-12) holds 140 gallons of
cleaning solution that is delivered to the scrub brushes
by an electrical pump. The recovery tank holds 120
1. The area below the edge of the front
gallons. Because there is a 20 gallon difference
scrubber deck
between the two tanks, you may have to empty the
2. The area below the edge of the aft scrub-
recovery tank before you use up the entire contents of
ber deck
the solution tank. The recovery tank is equipped with a
3. The between the top of the aft scrubber
ball float shutoff actuated device to prevent overflow.
deck and the frame
All large debris, such as string and wire, should be
4. The area between the front and rear sec-
removed from the deck before you start cleaning
tions of the scrubber
The vacuum fan is belt-driven from the engine and
provides the suction to pull water and debris from the
deck at the rear squeegee. To work most efficiently, the
squeegee must be properly adjusted as outlined in the
technical manual.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the five
steps for properly troubleshooting an item of
Two hand-controlled components allow the
support equipment.
operator to reach places that cannot be reached by the
scrubber. One is a high-pressure sprayer that can spray
Troubleshooting is one of the most important, yet
water or cleaning solution at 4 gal/min at a pressure up
least understood, tasks an AS performs. Before you can
to 800 psig. The second component is a vacuum wand
troubleshoot a piece of equipment, you must have a
with a 20-foot hose.
thorough understanding of the operating procedures
and characteristics of the equipment. You must know
what indications are normal before you can identify
the conditions that are not normal. The five-step
To be effective, the flight deck scrubber must be
troubleshooting technique is proven and very effective
very carefully maintained. Scheduled and unscheduled
in finding the malfunction and performing necessary
maintenance are a must. The flight deck and hanger
repairs. The five steps are operate, analyze, isolate,
deck are covered with a nonskid compound to provide a
repair, and operate.
traction surface for the safe movement of aircraft,
Preoperational Inspection/Operate--The first
equipment, and personnel. The nonskid surface is very
destructive to the brushes and squeegees, so, they must
step in troubleshooting a discrepancy is a proper
be carefully adjusted and replaced when worn.
preoperational inspection, using the preoperational
checklist for the equipment. During the preoperational
Space aboard ship is at a premium, and clearances
inspection, ensure a thorough visual inspection is
for the scrubber are close. In addition, the scrubber
accomplished. Look for obvious signs for the cause of
must clean as close as possible to bulkheads, and this
the malfunction. After completion of the preoperational
means that components such as brushes and squeegees
inspection, the next step would be to operate the
can easily get bent or knocked out of alignment. To
equipment. You should verify what systems are
keep the scrubber operating correctly, inspect it
operating properly as well as any systems that are
frequently and follow the prescribed maintenance
malfunctioning. Attention to detail while operating the
schedules. Remember the alternative--if your scrubber
equipment is essential. Problems that seem unrelated
is out of service, you may have to do the job with
may save hours of testing if they are identified at this
long-handled scrub brushes.
point. A panel light that is operational may tell you that
Q13-18. What is the maximum forward speed of the
the fuse is good for the circuit that is malfunctioning.
flight deck scrubber?
Systems that operate will tell you what part of the
system you don't need to check. Several systems that
1. 5 mph
are not operational will lead you to a common point that
2. 9 mph
caused the malfunction.
3. 11 mph
4. 14 mph