Air Traffic Activity Analyzer Description
The air traffic activity analyzer is a Windows-based operating system consisting of
macros arranged on up to six pages with 15 macros per page. These different macros
enable the controller to select a variety of different aircraft operations.
Main Window
The main window enables the controller to select the owner, type aircraft, runway,
approach, operation, and departure associated with an air traffic event. The major
control groups are listed in Table 5-3.
Control Group
Aircraft selection
Selection of the owner and type aircraft
Runway selection
Selection of the runway
Approach selection
Selection of the approach
Operation selection
Selection of the operation
Departure selection
Selection of the departure
Record and deletion of air traffic operations
Set and recall macro settings
Table 5-3 -- Main window major control groups
Main Window Example
Figure 5-11 is a sample of a main window of an air traffic activity analyzer.