operations is provided through a control panel mounted next to the screen and/or
keyboard function keys and display selectable buttons called a Display Control Bar
(DCB). A moveable screen cursor is used to select specific RADAR tracks and DCB
buttons. The cursor position is controlled by a trackball. The trackball includes three
buttons (left, center, and right) that are used for selecting tracks and Display Control Bar
Use of Tower RADAR
The primary purpose of the tower RADAR display is to increase efficiency and safety of
flight in Class C, D, and E surface areas. Tower RADAR supplements visual reference
by correlating RADAR targets to visually observed aircraft and the known reported pilot
position. Tower RADAR also serves as an aid in sequencing aircraft. RADAR traffic
advisories may be provided to an aircraft under tower control. When the VISCOM
system and tower RADAR are used together, the RADAR gives the local controller a
quick check of RADAR traffic when coordination is affected.
Besides the services listed above, the use of tower RADAR may be expanded to
include RADAR separation and vectoring. Tower RADAR displays may be used to
ensure separation between successive departures, between arrivals and departures,
and between over flights and departures within the surface area for which the tower has
responsibility provided the provisions set forth in Facility Management, FAA Order
7210.3 are met.
Daily equipment checks must ensure BRITE RADAR Alphanumeric Display System
(BRANDS) accuracy and proper display alignment.
Video Information Distribution System
The Video Information Distribution System (VIDS) is a system designed to consolidate,
replace, and automate several ATC systems.
VIDS Consolidated Systems
VIDS has consolidated the processing control and display of information from the
following systems:
Master Wind Speed and Direction Indictor (WSDI)
Digital Altimeter Setting Indicator (DASI)
Airfield Lighting Control System (AFLCS)
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS)
Weather vision
Flight Data Input/Output (FDIO) System
Remote video cameras