EXCEPTION. A pilot's request to conduct aerobatic
practice activities may be approved, when operating in
accordance with a letter of agreement, and the activity will
have no adverse effect on safety of the air traffic operation
or result in a reduction of service to other users.
Bird Activity
Issue advisory information on pilot-reported, tower-observed, or RADAR-observed and
pilot-verified bird activity. Include position, species or size of birds, if known, course of
flight, and altitude. Do this for at least 15 minutes after receipt of such information from
pilots or from adjacent facilities unless visual observation or subsequent reports reveal
the activity is no longer a factor. Relay bird activity information to adjacent facilities and
to AFSSs/FSSs whenever it appears it will become a factor in their areas.
Automatic Terminal Information Service
Use the ATIS, where available, to provide advance noncontrol airport/terminal area and
meteorological information to aircraft.
ATIS Application
Identify each ATIS message by a phonetic letter code word at both the beginning and
the end of the message. Automated systems will have the phonetic letter code
automatically appended. Exceptions may be made where omissions are required
because of special programs or equipment.
1. Each alphabet letter phonetic word shall be used sequentially beginning with
―Alpha,‖ ending with ―Zulu,‖ and repeated without regard to the beginning of a
new day. Identify the first resumed broadcast message with ―Alpha‖ or the first
assigned alphabet letter word in the event of a broadcast interruption of more
than 12 hours.
2. Specific sequential portions of the alphabet may be assigned between facilities or
an arrival and departure ATIS when designated by a letter of agreement or
facility directive.
The ATIS recording shall be reviewed for completeness, accuracy, speech
rate, and proper enunciation before being transmitted.
Arrival and departure messages, when broadcast separately, need only
contain information appropriate for that operation.