ATIS Operating Procedures
Maintain an ATIS message that reflects the most current arrival and departure
Make a new recording when any of the following occur:
1. Upon receipt of any new official weather regardless of whether there is or is not a
change in values
2. When runway braking action reports are received that indicate runway braking is
worse than that which is included in the current ATIS broadcast
3. When there is a change in any other pertinent data, such as runway change,
(PIREP)/ Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service (HIWAS) update, etc.
When pilots acknowledge that they have received the ATIS broadcast, controllers may
omit those items contained in the broadcasts if they are current. Rapidly changing
conditions will be issued by ATC.
Broadcast on all appropriate frequencies to advise aircraft of a change in the ATIS
Controllers shall ensure that pilots receive the most current pertinent information. Ask
the pilot to confirm receipt of the current ATIS information if the pilot does not initially
state the appropriate ATIS code. Controllers shall ensure that changes to pertinent
operational information is provided after the initial confirmation of ATIS information is
pertinent NOTAMs to pilots who are unable to receive the ATIS.
Runway Use and Conditions
The tower controller provides pilots with runway use authorization and runway condition
Runway Selection
For aircraft operations, you should select the runway most nearly aligned with the wind
when the wind velocity is 5 knots or more or the calm-wind runway when the wind
velocity is less than 5 knots. An exception to these procedures exists when an airfield
has a "runway use" program because of noise abatement or other local restrictions.
You must issue both wind direction and velocity when authorizing the use of runways.
You must do this even though the wind velocity is less than 5 knots and the calm wind
runway is to be used. Since some aircraft are adversely affected by a tailwind or
crosswind component, pilots must be aware of the exact wind condition to conduct a
safe flight. Therefore, you should describe the wind condition as "calm" only when the
velocity is less than 3 knots.