Figure 5-25 -- Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (IFLOLS).
Manually Operated Visual Landing Aid System
Manually operated visual landing aid system (MOVLAS) is an emergency system that is
intended to be used when the primary optical landing system is rendered inoperative.
The system presents glide slope information to the pilot of an approaching aircraft in the
same visual form presented by the IFLOLS. As a substitute for IFLOLS, the MOVLAS
has three modes of operation:
Mode I has a light box installed directly in front of the IFLOLS lens. It acts as a
substitute for the normal ball presentation, but it still uses the datum, waveoff,
and cut lights of IFLOLS.
Mode II is completely independent of the IFLOLS. It is between 75 and 100 feet
aft of the inoperable system. Besides the ball presentation, it consists of
reference datum, waveoff, and cut lights.
Mode III installation is similar to Mode II but is located on the starboard (right)
Integrated Launch and Recovery Television Surveillance System
The Integrated Launch and Recovery Television Surveillance System (ILARTS)
(formerly PLAT) records aircraft launches and recoveries. Through remote cameras and
monitors, ILARTS provides an instant picture of all launches and landings plus the
capability of tape recordings for future replays.