Integrated Shipboard Information System
A new system scheduled for installation onboard CVNs is the Integrated Shipboard
Information System (ISIS). This system is designed to replace edge-lighted status
boards and automate data entry and the display of flight operations information.
Optical Landing Systems
Besides CCA equipment, there are optical systems on board a carrier that aid pilots in
landing aboard the carrier.
Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
The purpose of the Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (IFLOLS) is to
provide the pilot with a visual indication of relative position with respect to a prescribed
glide slope (see Figure 5-25). This glide slope, as determined by the lens settings, is
designed to bring the aircraft down to the deck within the cross-deck pendant area with
a safe clearance above the stern ramp of the carrier.
A yellow bar of light is displayed over the full width of the lens box. The lens box may be
considered a window through which the pilot views the bar of light. The bar of light
appears as though it were located approximately 150 feet beyond the window. When
viewed from anywhere on the prescribed glide slope, this bar of light (ball) appears in
line with the green datum lights. The ball rises above the datum lights as the pilot rises
above the glide slope and eventually slides off the top of the lens box when the pilot is
more than 3/4 degree above the glide slope. The same holds true as the pilot drops
below the datum lights and the ball finally slides off the bottom of the lens box.
At great distances from the lens unit, it is difficult to distinguish the relative position of
the ball with respect to the datum lights. The reason is that the ball can be distinguished
before the green datum lights become visible. Pilots are therefore provided with a
warning of low ball that has a RED lens installed in the bottom cell of the lens box.
Thus, regardless of distance, when the ball is RED instead of YELLOW, a pilot will know
when the approach is too low or too high.