Special use airspace is airspace in which:
Activities in the area must be confined because of their nature
Limitations must be imposed upon aircraft operations that are not part of the
activities taking place in this area
The vertical and horizontal limits of special use airspace areas and their periods of
operation are defined.
Except for controlled firing areas, the areas and their periods of operation are depicted
on aeronautical charts.
Prohibited and Restricted Areas
As an air traffic controller, you must be familiar with any prohibited or restricted airspace
that is in your area of responsibility.
Prohibited Areas
Prohibited areas are established in CFR, Part 73, and thus are considered regulatory
airspace. Prohibited areas are published in Special Use Airspace, FAA Order 7400.8,
and FLIP AP/1A and are depicted on aeronautical charts.
Prohibited areas contain airspace of defined dimensions within which the flight of
aircraft is prohibited. Such areas are established for security reasons or other reasons
associated with the national welfare, for example, airspace over the White House.
Prohibited areas are identified by the prefix letter P (spoken Papa) followed by a dash, a
two-digit number, and a location (city or town or military reservation), e.g., "P-56 District
of Columbia."
Restricted Areas
A restricted area is airspace established under 14 CFR part 73 provisions within which
the flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction. Such areas are
established for artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles.
Restricted areas are considered regulatory airspace, are published in FAA Order 7400.8
and FLIP AP/1A, and are depicted on aeronautical charts.
Restricted areas are depicted on the enroute charts for use at the altitude or flight level
being flown. For joint-use restricted areas, the name of the controlling agency is shown
on the charts. Unless otherwise requested by the using agency, the phrase "NO A/G" is
shown on the charts for all prohibited areas and nonjoint-use restricted areas. This
phrase indicates that voice communications are not maintained with aircraft operating in
these areas.