Restricted areas are identified by the prefix letter R (spoken Romeo) followed by a
dash, a four-digit number, and a location (city or town or military reservation and state),
e.g., "R-4813 Carson Sink, NV." A letter suffix is assigned to denote subdivisions, e.g.,
"R-4803N Fallon, NV."
Warning and Alert Areas
Warning and alert areas provide airspace for pilots to practice various tactical
maneuvers. To provide necessary ATC services, you must know the location of any
warning or alert areas in your area of control jurisdiction and the type of aircraft
operations conducted in these areas.
Warning Areas
A warning area is airspace that contains hazards to nonparticipating aircraft. Warning
areas are developed with defined dimensions extending 3 miles outward from a
coastline. Warning areas may be located over domestic or international waters.
Fleet operating areas off the East, West, and Gulf coasts of the United States consist
primarily of warning areas under the jurisdiction of a U.S. Navy Fleet area control and
surveillance facility (FACSFAC).
Warning areas are identified by the prefix letter W (spoken Whiskey) followed by a
dash, a two- or three-digit number and a location (city or town or area or military
reservation and state), e.g., "W-72 Vacapes, VA." A letter suffix is assigned to denote
subdivisions, e.g., "W-72A Vacapes, VA." Warning areas are nonregulatory airspace.
Warning areas are published in FAA Order 7400.8 and FLIP AP/1A and are depicted on
aeronautical charts.
Alert Areas
Alert areas are designated to inform nonparticipating pilots of areas that may contain a
high volume of pilot training or an unusual type of aerial activity. These are areas where
pilots should be particularly alert. All activity within an alert area must be conducted
according to CFRs without waiver. Pilots of participating aircraft as well as pilots
transiting the area are equally responsible for collision avoidance.
U.S. Navy alert areas exist around many outlying fields (OLF) where pilot training and
field carrier landing practices take place.
Alert areas are identified by the prefix letter A (spoken Alpha) followed by two or more
digits, e.g., "A-680 Coupeville, WA." Alert areas are nonregulatory airspace. They are
published in FAA Order 7400.8 and FLIP AP/1A and are depicted on aeronautical