Pilot Responsibilities
The pilot determines the adequacy of the lost communications procedures you issue.
When the pilot states that the procedures provided cannot be accepted, then you should
request that the pilot advise you of what will be done if communications are lost. Make
sure that you get the entire procedure the pilot will follow, not half the facts. After you
have lost radio contact, it's too late to get any more information.
The RADAR procedures discussed in this section pertain to the ATC program ashore.
Detailed procedures for shipboard operations are contained in the CV NATOPS Manual,
NAVAIR 00-80T-105, and the LHA/LPH/LHD NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR 00-80T-106.
The basic control procedures apply to all areas of RADAR air traffic control.
RADAR Sequencing and Separation
As with airport control tower operations, the FAA specifies sequencing and separation
criteria that you must use as a RADAR controller. Also, local air operation and facility
manuals may require certain airfield unique procedures.
Sequencing and Separation Criteria
Air Traffic Control, FAA Order 7110.65, (chapters 4, 5, and 6) outlines the majority of
the sequencing and separation procedures you will use as a RADAR controller.
The material in Air Traffic Control, FAA Order 7110.65, (chapters 4, 5, and 6) will enable
you to:
Apply RADAR vectoring methods to typical situations
Describe the procedures for issuing holding instructions
Identify minimum RADAR separation standards
State the control actions that should be taken at given times in PAR and ASR
approaches and the procedures used in circling and visual approaches
State procedures for handling RADAR departures
PAR Approaches
In the precision approach, precise control instructions are issued to pilots so that they
may align the aircraft on the glide path and course line.