TRAFFIC OBSERVED The term used to inform the controller issuing the traffic
restrictions that the traffic is identified and that the restrictions issued are understood
and will be complied with
Transfer the RADAR identification of an aircraft by at least one of the following methods:
Physically point to the target on the receiving controller's display
TERMINAL Use the ―Modify‖ or ―Quick Look‖ functions for data transfer
between the TRACON and tower cab only if specific procedures are established
in a facility directive. The local controller has the responsibility to determine
whether or not conditions are adequate for the use of Automated RADAR
Terminal System (ARTS)/ STARS data on the Bright RADAR Indicator Tower
Equipment (BRITE)/ Digital Bright RADAR Indicator Tower Equipment (DBRITE)/
When making a handoff or a point-out or issuing traffic restrictions, relay information to
the receiving controller in the following order:
The position of the target relative to a fix, map symbol, or RADAR target known
and displayed by both the receiving and transferring controller. Mileage from the
reference point may be omitted when relaying the position of a target if a full data
block associated with the target has been forced on the receiving controller's
RADAR display.
The aircraft identification, as follows:
1. The aircraft call sign
2. The discrete beacon code of the aircraft during interfacility point-outs only,
if both the receiving and the transferring controllers agree
The assigned altitude, appropriate restrictions, and information that the aircraft is
climbing or descending, if applicable, except when inter/intrafacility directives
ensure that the altitude information will be known by the receiving controller
When receiving a handoff, point-out, or traffic restrictions, respond to the transferring
controller as follows:
RADAR contact
Point-out approved
Traffic observed
If any doubt as to target identification exists after attempting confirmation in accordance
with this section, apply questionable identification provisions as out lined in FAA JO