Anticipated weather conditions to be
Ceiling and
encountered by flights during daytime
visibility in carrier
departures and recoveries
control zone
Case I
Will not encounter instrument conditions
3,000 feet and 5 nm
Case II
May encounter instrument conditions
1,000 feet and 5 nm
Case III*
Will encounter instrument conditions
Less than 1,000 feet
and less than 5 nm
Table 11-4 -- Weather criteria for departures and recoveries
*Case III must be used at night for launches and recoveries--1/2 hour after sunset to
1/2 hour before sunrise.
Departure and Recovery Restrictions
Table 11-5 provides the restrictions that apply to different departures and recoveries.
If the recovery is:
The departure can be:
Case I
Case I or II only
Case II
Case I or II only
Case III
Case I, II, or III
If the departure is:
The recovery can be:
Case I
Case I, II, or III
Case II
Case I, II, or III
Case III
Case III only
Table 11-5 -- Departure and recovery restrictions