Ensure aircraft adherence to marshal instructions and
Marshal Control
provide control instructions, when required.
Provide control instructions to aircraft that have commenced
approach, when required
Issue vectors and/or speed changes to maintain separation
Monitor fuel states
Monitor aircraft on approach and in the bolter pattern to
determine when a Delta may be appropriate
Implement Delta procedures when instructed
Maintain adequate separation and ensure safety of flight
Approach control
Review the Master Air Plan
Provide instructions, assistance and flight following to
diverted/bingoed aircraft
Maintain count of aircraft launched and remaining to be
Provide relevant launch and recovery information to the
planeguard helicopter, when on departure frequency
Conduct communication check with plane-guard helicopter
every 20 minutes during Case III operations (may be
Maintain adequate separation and ensure safety of flight
Final control
Review the Master Air Plan
Evaluate system / equipment / communication status
Identify all airspace constraints that may/will affect recovery
Coordinate with CATCC Supervisor for type of recovery
(Case), expected final bearing, expected type of approach,
bolter holes, first push time, etc.
Coordinate handoffs with CATCC Supervisor, Approach
Control, and other Final Controller
Provide each aircraft with precision or non-precision
Obtain Mode I wire data for use in the Quarterly PALS
Status Report
Monitor approach frequencies and observe Approach
Visual Display
Control RADAR display to ascertain aircraft recovery order
Board (VDB)
and relative position
Maintain an accurate account of aircraft recovery order and
relative position on the VDB
The VDB Operator should be manned, and maintaining an
accurate lineup of airborne aircraft during Case II
recoveries. This will help ensure a smooth transition to the
Case III environment, if necessary.