Monthly Flight Summary (4790/21A)
The reporting custodian maintains the Monthly Flight Summary. This form (fig. 6-3) is designed to permit the monthly compilation of significant flight operational data throughout the service life of the aircraft. Reporting custodians ensure that all monthly totals have been entered on this form before induction into rework. Rework activities make monthly entries on this form during the time an aircraft is in their reporting or physical custody. This form is a permanent' part of the aircraft logbook.
The Monthly Flight Summary form is a single- page form divided into four parts. Monthly entries are made on part IV of the form, with all months accounted for in chronological order. Entries are typewritten or printed in ink, with one exception. The form may be closed out in pencil when the aircraft is transferred.
The purpose of the Inspection Record form is to reflect periodic and conditional inspections performed on the aircraft. Routine preflight, postflight, turnaround, daily, and special inspections as well as servicing, engine wash, and oil sampling are not logged in any logbook. Phased, calendar, and conditional inspections are maintained on separate pages. The form, illustrated in figure 6-4, provides space for identification as to whether the listed inspections are periodic or conditional. The left column on the form is titled TYPE OR DESCRIPTION OF INSPECTION to facilitate proper descriptive entries for individual inspections.
Calendar inspections refer to a stipulated number of calendar days, and phased inspections refer to a stipulated number of flight hours. Records of these inspections are removed from the aircraft logbook at the time of standard depot-level maintenance (SDLM), and a new record is initiated.
Conditional inspections are unscheduled events required as a result of a specific overlimit condition (hot start, overtemp, hard landing, etc.), or as a result of circumstances or events that create an administrative requirement
Figure 6-3.-Monthly Flight Summary.
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