Hardcopy Reports
The hardcopy reports are produced by batch
programs in the computer system. The reports usually
contain multiple pages of data and are normally
produced from a high-speed printer.
Magnetic Tapes
Magnetic tapes are used to record data for use as a
backup in case the data is lost in the computer system.
Magnetic tapes are also used to record data for history,
interface to other computer systems, and offload/onload
Networks/External Interfaces
Communication networks facilitate transfer of data
to other external computer system interface. For
example, maintenance transactions are interfaced to the
aviation 3-M systems. The interface allows
communication between the two systems. Afloat, the
NALCOMIS is interfaced to the Shipboard Uniform
Automated Data Processing System (SUADPS).
Ashore, NALCOMIS is interfaced with the host
computer system such as Uniform Automated Data
Processing System (UADPS).
Magnetic diskettes are used to transfer data upline
to SUADPS for verification purposes. The batch
portion of NALCOMIS results are stored in these
diskettes on a periodic basis.
Most of the data collected by NALCOMIS is
obtained from an authorized user entering the
information on terminals. he system has a standard
data entry screen for initially collecting information. It
also has a standard update/delete screen for modifying
or deleting previously entered information. All the data
collected in NALCOMIS are subject to validation for
accuracy in format, completeness, and logical
relationships with other information. Users can benefit
from the on-line and real-time capability of the system
by entering the data immediately. This simply means
that if there is an immediate requirement for material or
services, submit the request right away.
Specific formats are used for collecting data in
terms of online screen layouts and report layouts. You
will become familiar with these layouts as you use them.
Some of the screen types are Data Entry, Delete, Key
Prompt, List Display, List Select, Menu, Update,
Update/Delete, and Display. Output formats for the
reports generated by NALCOMIS include both
hardcopy notices and batch reports.
In providing supply support, each task is assigned
to different echelons of the supply department. You
must know the various supply organizations and their
responsibilities. The Aviation Support Division (ASD)
organization and its responsibilities are described in the
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP),
OPNAVINST 4790.2. Different areas in the ASD are
responsible for perrforming their specific tasks. Each
task involves processing transactions through the
NALCOMIS or manual procedures. Each area of the
ASD uses the NALCOMIS desktop reference to
perform the automated functions. These functions are
described in the following paragraphs.
The ASD consists of two sections: the Supply
Response Section (SRS) and the Component Control
Section (CCS). The units under the SRS are the
Requisition Control Unit (RCU), the Technical
Research Unit (TRU), the Program Management Unit
(PMU), the Material Delivery Unit (MDU), and the
Pre-Expended Bin Unit (PEBU). The units under the
CCS are the Document Control Unit (DCU), the Local
Repair Cycle Asset (LRCA) Storage Unit, the Supply
Screening Unit (SSU), and the Awaiting Parts (AWP)
The ASD uses different types of forms and
documents in processing supply transactions. In
NALCOMIS, the forms maybe generated by computer.
These forms include the DD Form 1348 and DD Form
1348-1. The documents generated by NALCOMIS
include Hard Copy Notice (HCN) and required reports.
In manual procedures, the forms and documents used
are those prescribed by NAVSUP P-437, NAVSUP
P-485, and NAVSUP Publication 1, Volume 2.
A complete list of ASD responsibilities is defined
in OPNAVINST4790.2. Some of these responsibilities
are described in the following paragraphs.
Response Standards
The ASD must process requisitions and provide
status according to the prescribed response standards.