Never apply oil, grease, or any other material not approved for use in the presence of gaseous and liquid oxygen systems.
An on-site CAL TEAM must prepare the correction cards and calibrate the 59A120 following NAVAIR13-1-6.4 procedures. However, because of the operational commitments of today's Navy, you may find yourself with a test stand that needs calibration and correction card corrections when CAL TEAM services are not available. This chapter covers t h e p r o c e d u r e s o u t l i n e d i n t h e N A V A I R 17-15BC-20 for correction card preparation and calibration.
NOTE: This RTM does not authorize you to calibrate the test stand nor does it authorize you to make correction card corrections. These tasks must be authorized by higher authority.
Before you operate the 59A120 test stand, individual correction cards for the following components must be prepared: DF-1, PG-1, PG-4, FLM-1, FLM-2, FLM-3, and FLM-4. These correction cards must be prepared prior to calibration of the 59A120 test stand. To perform calibration and to prepare correction cards, you will need the Flowmeter Calibration Kit and the four graphs that are supplied with the kit for that particular test stand. Each kit will be serialized with the same number as the serial number of the test stand.
To prepare the cards, convert the actual liter-per-minute (1pm) flows to indicated millimeter (mm) flows on cards 4, 5, 6, and 7. Refer to figure 1-2 in the following steps:
1. Using the applicable graph for the flowmeter selected, locate the desired lpm at the bottom of the graph.
2. Trace the selected lpm lineup to where it intersects the graph line.
3. Trace the line from point of intersection to the left-hand edge of the graph to determine mm. Enter this figure in the appropriate column of the correction card.
Figure 1-2. - Conversion Example.
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