SE, material, manpower, and other factors that affect the maintenance operation can be determined before actual need.
To put the finishing touches on the monthly maintenance plan, two meetings are held. The first meeting is held within the maintenance department. It is attended by all of the supervisors. The purpose of this meeting is to present the proposed plan and to discuss problems, support, and other factors involved in the overall maintenance effort. The second meeting is held with the supporting IMA for the same purpose as the first meeting.
Although the format and arrangement of the monthly maintenance plan is determined by the maintenance officer, each plan should contain the following minimum information:
Projected known operational commitments, including number of flights, flight hours, and aircraft use. (This information may be obtained from the operations department.)
Date of scheduled inspections.
Schedule of preinspection meetings.
Date of scheduled receipt or transfer of aircraft and type of work to be accomplished on these aircraft.
PME calibration requirements.
Schedule of technical training.
Forced removal items (high time, etc.).
Technical directive compliance requirements.
Current list of QA personnel (QAR, CDQAR, CDI).
Schedule of personnel for ejection seat safety checkout.
Dates of scheduled SE inspections.
Scheduled nondestructive inspection (NDI) requirements.
The monthly maintenance plan is prepared and distributed by the 25th of the month prior to the month to which it applies; that is, the plan for April should be distributed by March 25.
The plan is distributed and its contents are made known to maintenance supervisors within the activity, plus the supporting IMA and the station/ship supply officer. Although the maintenance/material control officer has the responsibility for preparing and publishing the monthly maintenance plan, AZs assigned to maintenance control or to maintenance administration usually complete and submit a rough draft of the plan to the maintenance/material control officer for approval. The finished product is submitted to the maintenance officer for signature.
The monthly maintenance plan is published by the IMA for use by the production divisions. The IMA officer holds a monthly meeting that is attended by representatives of the maintenance and supply departments of all supported activities. A weapons department representative attends this meeting also. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the necessary planning and coordination to improve the overall maintenance program.
Organizational maintenance representatives attend this meeting to discuss the quantity and types of support required, including the contents of the organizational monthly maintenance plan. All factors that affect the anticipated IMA workload should be discussed by the squadron representatives. This meeting is a valuable tool in planning the monthly maintenance schedule. The following is the minimum information that should be included in the intermediate-level monthly maintenance plan.
A projected schedule of items to be inducted for check and test from supported squadrons and the supply activity.
Anticipated changes in the operational commitments of supported activities.
A schedule of technical training.
A schedule of maintenance requirements for shop-installed SE.
Other known or anticipated factors that affect the production effort of the IMA.Continue Reading