All known technical directives incorporation requirements.
A current list of QARs, CDQARS, and CDIs.
Forced removal (high-time) components.
Weapons department inputs should include the following: a projected schedule of armament weapons support equipment (AWSE) inspections; those items requiring test and check and anticipated receipts or transfers; all known weapons support equipment (WSE) TD incorporation requirements; identification of known or anticipated AWSE end items or components to be returned to the AIMD for maintenance beyond the capability of the weapons department, or for other reasons.
Q1. Who schedules and plans the work of the production divisions in an organizational maintenance activity?
Q2. Activities using the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) should refer to what manual for maintenance action documentation and reporting procedures?
Q3. What four subsystems comprise the Maintenance Data System (MDS)?
Q4. When are equipment operational capability (EOC) codes documented on a VIDS/ MAF?
Q5. What instruction contains a list of equipment operational capability (EOC) codes?
Q6. The second and third positions of the equipment operational capability (EOC) code is computer generated using the first two positions of what code?
Q7. What manual contains a listing of MDS codes?
Q8. Position-sensitive indicators (PSIs) are identified in applicable work unit code (WUC) manuals by what symbol?
Q9. What inventory status code would you use for an aircraft undergoing depot special rework at the reporting custodian site?
Q10. What OPNAV form identifies a VIDS/ MAF?
Q11. Which copy of the VIDS/MAF serves as the maintenance control register in an organizational maintenance activity?
Q12. Which copy of the VIDS/MAF serves as the supply department register in an intermediate maintenance activity?
Q13. What is entered in block A52 of the VIDS/MAF when items are not identified by a bureau/serial number?
Q14. What must be entered in the maintenance control block of the VIDS/MAF?
Q15. What newly developed system uses a data storage unit on board an aircraft to capture engine excesses, engine performance data, and life-limited component usage data?
Q16. What form is used as the sole source for documenting naval aircraft flight data?
Q17. What instruction contains code tables required for completion of the Naval Aircraft Flight Record?
Q18. Maintenance control will file copy 3 of the Naval Aircraft Flight Record for a minimum of how many months?
Q19. What does a red tab indicate when used on a VIDS board?
Q20. Copy 3 of the VIDS/MAF remains in the aircraft discrepancy book (ADB) for how many consecutive flights?
Q21. When a discrepancy is written, what blocks on the VIDS/MAF are filled out by maintenance control?
Q22. What publications are used in the planned maintenance system (PMS)?
Q23. A preflight inspection is valid for how many hours?
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