Q24. A daily inspection is valid for how many hours?
Q25. When is a conditional inspection required?
Q26. What inspection is a conditional maintenance action that is a depot-level evaluation of aircraft general material condition?
Q27. What deviation is authorized for inspections performed in increments of flying hours, operating hours, cycles or events?
Q28. Does installation or reinstallation of a propeller require a functional check flight (FCF)?
Q29. What inventory status codes are used when an aircraft is OUT of material condition reporting status (MCRS)?
Q30. What transaction code is used when a reporting custodian transfers an aircraft or strikes it from naval service?
Q31. When reporting receipt of an aircraft, what must be entered in block B34 of the VIDS/MAF?
Q32. What report number is used to identify the Monthly Aircraft Utilization Report?
Q33. What form is used to request work or assistance from the supporting intermediate maintenance activity (IMA)?
Q34. What form is used by the intermediate maintenance activity (IMA) and supply department personnel to request customer service support from depot-level activities?
Q35. A standard depot-level maintenance (SDLM) special rework request must be submitted to the rework activity 1 month prior to what?
Q36. At the organizational maintenance level, who initiates the technical directive (TD) compliance VIDS/MAF?
Q37. The Navy Oil Analysis Program (NOAP) is outlined in what instruction?
Q38. What is the Support Equipment Maintenance History Record used for?
Q39. The processed copy 1 of the VIDS/MAF is retained by maintenance control for a minimum of how many months?
Q40. When is the monthly maintenance plan prepared and distributed?
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