"OUT" Material Condition Reporting Status (MCRS) (inventory codes 1 - 4) . The term OUT of MCRS means that an aircrat is in the inventory reporting system but does not require SCIR documentation. An aircraft is placed OUT of MCRS for depot-level maintenance. When an aircraft is placed OUT of MCRS, the equipment operational capability code (EOC) A applies to all existing SCIR discrepancies.
Transaction codes. Inventory transactions are described by the transaction codes listed below.
Inventory gain (transaction code 00). An inventory gain is the receipt of an aircraft into inventory reporting by a reporting custodian. Aircraft are gained in any inventory status.
Inventory loss (transaction code 03), An inventory loss occurs when a reporting custodian transfers an aircraft or strikes it from naval service. An inventory loss is documented only if the aircraft has been previously gained and is in the inventory system. Aircraft may be lost in any inventory status.
Change of MCRS (transaction code 02). A change of MCRS (OUT and IN) does not involve a change of reporting custodian.
Once preparations have been completed to establish the master file and the ASSIGNED hour bank at the DSF, the appropriate inventory and readiness reporting begins. Inventory change transactions ensure aircraft inventory control at both the Fleet Material Support Office (FLEMATSUPPO) and the Naval Sea Logistics Center (NAVSEALOGCEN) and provide the necessary input to the monthly report of summary data. A VIDS/MAF is submitted for each reportable incident of inventory change by all reporting custodians supported by a DSF or having access to data entry facilities, and by all non-DSF supported custodians. Submission of an aircraft inventory VIDS/MAF is required when an aircraft (1) is gained (received into the unit reporting custody), (2) is lost from unit reporting custody (transfer or strike), or (3) changes either into or out of material condition reporting status (MCRS). The submission of SCIR inventory data does not relieve the unit of the responsibility for OPNAV XRAY report submission according to the latest edition of OPNAVINST 5442.2. Flight and capability data is reported by the unit having SCIR inventory control as of the time the incident occurred.
To ensure accurate SCIR reporting and to ease the documentation workload, all outstanding SCIR-related maintenance actions should be changed to reflect an EOC code of A when there are inventory transactions, losses, or a change in MCRS of OUT. Aircraft inventory GAINS or a change in MCRS of IN require SCIR documentation.
If an aircraft is lost because of transfer or strike, all outstanding SCIR-related maintenance actions as well as non-SCIR maintenance actions must be closed out at the time of transfer or strike and processed through the DSF. If the aircraft is transferred, all outstanding maintenance actions will be reinitiated by the receiving activity using the Julian date and time as recorded on the aircraft inventory gain VIDS/MAF.
If an aircraft is placed in an OUT of MCRS, all outstanding SCIR-related maintenance actions must be changed to reflect an EOC code of A. Maintenance/production control notifies all concerned work centers of the change in status. This action takes place at the time of the change in MCRS for maintenance actions in an M (maintenance) or S (supply) status. The use of this special code indicates an aircraft is out of reporting status and does not reflect the aircraft's capability. Secondly, the accounting for AWM time must not be accounted for during the period an equipment is out of service (EOS) or during the period equipment is in an EOC code of A. Any SCIR-related maintenance actions with valid EOC code hours must be closed out at the end of the current reporting period, even though they are EOC coded A at the end of the period. At the time of close out, reinitiation of all SCIR-related maintenance actions will be necessary for the next period using the EOC code A. No further close out of that document is required, provided no valid EOC code hours are documented during subsequent reporting periods.
The completion of the inventory VIDS/MAF for a gain is discussed in the following paragraphs. The example of an aircraft gain into SCIR inventory reporting is shown on the VIDS/MAF in figure 4-18. You should refer to this figure as you read this section. Those blocks that are not mentioned in the discussion are left blank.
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