listed in the latest edition of OPNAVINST 5442.4, Utilization is documented, if applicable.
"OUT" Material Condition Reporting Status (MCRS) (inventory codes 1 through 4), When specifically authorized by the controlling custodian, an individual training device that normally requires SCIR documentation may be exempted from SCIR documentation by the reporting custodian. Such a unit is considered to be OUT of MCRS. Usually, training devices are placed OUT of MCRS for depot-level maintenance. When a training device is placed OUT of MCRS, the EOC code A applies to all existing SCIR discrepancies. Utilization is documented, if applicable.
Utilization reportable (inventory code 0). All equipment listed in the latest edition of OPNAV- INST 5442.4 require utilization reporting. Inventory code O applies to SE, training devices, and missile targets that do not require SCIR documentation but do require utilization reporting.
Transaction codes. Inventory transactions are described by the transaction codes listed below.
Inventory gain (transaction code 00). An inventory gain is the receipt of an SE unit into inventory reporting by a reporting custodian. Normally, equipments will be gained only if they require SCIR or utilization reporting. Training devices may be gained in any inventory status. SE is gained with an inventory status of 0 only.
Inventory loss (transaction code 03). An inventory loss is when a reporting custodian transfers an SE unit or strikes it from naval service. An inventory loss is documented only if the unit has previously been gained and is in the inventory system. Equipment may be lost in any inventory status, as listed in the current E-00.
Change of MCRS (transaction code 02). A change of MCRS (OUT and IN) that does not involve a change of reporting custodian.
The implementation date is normally the first day of a reporting period for SE inventory reporting by an activity that is not currently using the VIDS/MAF for inventory control. Several days before implementation, the reporting custodian's production control produces a list of all assigned SE that requires SCIR or utilization reporting. This list is forwarded to QA/A and contains the reporting custodian's organization code, equipment TEC, equipment serial number, equipment inventory code, and the equipment meter reading.
QA/A screens the list for completeness, and returns the list to production control. Production control prepares VIDS/MAFs for all reportable equipment. DSF generates a machine-prepared listing and returns a minimum of two copies to QA/A for distribution to production control. Production control reviews the returned lists for completeness and accuracy. Corrections are made by the normal submission of the proper source documents. The DSF corrects the master file, computes the assigned hours for SCIR reporting, and forwards the Equipment Master Roster (E-00) to the reporting custodian.
Activities that have implemented the inventory control system will use the data blocks described below to report an equipment gain, loss, or change in MCRS. Figures 4-21, 4-22, and 4-23 show the data blocks that are required to document inventory transactions on the VIDS/MAF. Those blocks that are not mentioned in this section are left blank. You should refer to these figures as you read this section.
ENTRIES REQUIRED SIGNATURE. Check the appropriate box and enter signature and rate.
BLOCK A29 - ACTION ORGANIZATION. Enter the organization code of the reporting custodian making the inventory transaction.
BLOCK A32 - TRANSACTION CODE. Enter the transaction code that describes the inventory transaction being documented.
BLOCK A48 - TYPE EQUIPMENT CODE. Enter the TEC of the equipment involved in the inventory transaction; the first position should be D, G, H, M, S, V, or Y.
BLOCK A52 - BUREAU/SERIAL NUMBER. Enter the serial number of the equipment involved in the inventory transaction. The serial number is always six characters and not zero. If there are fewer than six characters, you should prefix the
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