Changes in aircraft MCRS require a SCIR inventory VIDS/MAF. Aircraft are IN MCRS if in OPNAV XRAY status code A series; B10 through B80, BH0, BJ0, BK0, BL0 and BM0; and when undergoing depot repairs while in the physical custody of the operating activity, OPNAV XRAY status codes H3A, HCA, H31, HC1, and G30 as defined in OPNAVINST 5442.2. If the aircraft is not in one of the codes indicated above, it is OUT of MCRS. This type of transaction is documented as described in the following paragraphs. You should refer to figure 4-20 as you read this section.
ENTRIES REQUIRED SIGNATURE. Check the appropriate box and enter signature and rate.
BLOCK A29 - ACTION ORGANIZATION. Enter the organization code that identifies the reporting custodian.
BLOCK A32 - TRANSACTION CODE. Enter the transaction code that describes the change in MCRS status (must be 02).
BLOCK A48 - TYPE EQUIPMENT CODE (TEC), Enter the TEC that identifies the aircraft being reported.
BLOCK A52 - BUREAU/SERIAL NUMBER, Enter the bureau/serial number of the aircraft being reported. If the number has less than six characters, prefix it with sufficient zeros to total six characters.
BLOCK F21 - INVENTORY CODE. Enter the most correct inventory code (table 4-1).
BLOCK F22 - PERMANENT UNIT CODE (PUC). Enter the PUC of the reporting custodian.
BLOCK B30 - COMPLETED DATE. Enter the Julian date equal to the date of action on the OPNAV XRAY reporting a status change that moved the aircraft either into or out of MCRS.
BLOCK B34 - COMPLETED TIME. Enter the hour and minute of actual status change of the aircraft.
The support equipment (SE) inventory reporting system provides the support equipment reporting custodian a list of major assets on hand. SE may be inventoried using an inventory code of 0, except for selected training devices that require inventory and SCIR reporting, as applicable. These reporting system requirements are in addition to the AMMRL program and do not do away with the reporting requirements issued by NAVAIR in the latest edition of NAV- AIRINST 13650.1. All equipment listed in the latest edition of OPNAVINST 5442.4 requires SCIR reporting.
The following terms and codes are used to document SE inventory transactions.
Controlling custodian. Support equipment controlling authorities (SECAs) are responsible for the fleet distribution and management of SE assets.
Reporting custodian. The reporting custodian is the activity (usually an IMA) having the primary custody of the SE as indicated on the IMRL. The reporting custodian is responsible for maintenance and readiness reporting on the support equipment.
Equipment Master Roster (E-00). The Equipment Master Roster (E-00) is a serialized listing, by reporting custodian, of all assets on hand that require SCIR and/or utilization reporting. The Equipment Master Roster is updated and published monthly by DSF. The E-00 will be kept current by maintenance/production control to reflect those inventory and status changes that have occurred during the reporting period.
Inventory codes. Inventory status codes define the reporting requirements and current status of SE in the inventory reporting system. Inventory codes were listed earlier in this chapter in table 4-1.
"IN" Material Condition Reporting Status (MCRS) (inventory code A). The term IN MCRS means that a training device is in the inventory system, and that it requires SCIR documentation. IN MCRS is the normal status of an equipment
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