Documenting staff member flight time, such as an individual assigned to a TYCOM functional wing.
Documenting flight training simulator time. Simulator time only refers to approved simulators capable of logging flight time.
Documenting cancelled flights. Exception code X is used to document the cancellation of a flight, and is used only in the aircraft data section.
Documenting flights when the crew member and the aircraft are assigned to different organizations.
The code tables contained in the appendices of the latest edition of OPNAVINST 3710.7 must be used. Routine codes required for form completion are printed on the back of copy 1. Abbreviated TMR codes are printed on the back of copy 3. Training codes are alphanumeric codes used to record flight training. Squadron instructions specify the training codes to be used. Weapons proficiency codes are located in the appendix of the latest edition of OPNAVINST 3710.7.
The documentation for a routine flight consists of information from the following sections of the Naval Aircraft Flight Record:
Aircraft Data - RECTYP (record type) 7B
Aircrew Data - RECTYP 7C
Logistics Data (Depart) - RECTYP 7E
Logistics Data (Arrive) - RECTYP 7F.
(This section is not completed in the submission of a cancelled flight. )
NOTE: Weapons proficiency data, RECTYP 7G, is not mandatory for every flight; but it should be completed, as applicable, to document time spent in restricted air space, miscellaneous data, etc.
Naval Aircraft Flight Record Flow
Following each flight, or attempt at flight, the pilot or mission commander signs the Naval Aircraft Flight Record to certify that it is complete and accurate. Then, it is turned in to maintenance control, where the logbook clerk, usually an AZ3 or AZ2, screens it and transcribes the applicable data into the aircraft logbook. You should refer to figure 4-8 as you read this section. After the AZ has made the logbook entries, the record is forwarded to the operations department. Operations personnel screen it for accuracy and completeness and transcribe the information into aviator logbooks. ECAMS sites will forward copy 1 and copy 3 to the ECAMS operator for entry of required data elements and daily reports. Copy 2 will remain in Operations as a suspense copy. The ECAMS operator will then forward copies 1 and 3 to the maintenance analyst. At sites not having ECAMS, copies 1 and 3 will be forwarded to the maintenance analyst. Upon receipt of copies 1 and 3, the maintenance analyst will submit copy 1 with a document control form (DCF) to the supporting data services facility (DSF) for data entry. Copy 3 will be passed to maintenance control for filing. Copy 2 will remain in operations as a suspense copy until copy 1 is returned following data entry, then copy 1 will replace copy 2 for the master flight files. Ensuring the validity of NAVFLIRS data requires complete coordination between the analyst, maintenance control, and the operations department. Copy 3 will be retained by maintenance control until monthly reports are received and verified, then filed for a minimum of 3 months.
The visual information display system (VIDS) is a management tool that provides a graphic display of up-to-date information on a continuing basis. The system correlates all aircraft status information, particularly not mission capable supply (NMCS), partial mission capable supply (PMCS), and flyable discrepancies. By using the system, each item is assigned a relative importance. Also, the system shows the number of personnel available and engaged in work. The supervisor is able to carry out assigned duties more effectively and efficiently because of the ability to review the overall situation and determine what resources are available. The information is displayed on specially configured cardex-type boards.
The different forms used to provide a graphic display of the status of all current aircraft aeronautical equipment are listed below:
1. VIDS/MAF (OPNAV Form 4790/60).
2. Aircraft Flight Schedule Card (OPNAV 4790/5) (fig. 4-9). This form is optional. It servesContinue Reading