to another, a different set of specific technical publications may be required. In such cases the activity concerned submits a request to NAVAIR- TECHSERVFAC for an aeronautic technical publication outfitting allowance applicable to the model designation of the new aircraft involved. Each request of this type should include a priority designator for shipment of the publications. The latest edition of Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System, OPNAVINST 4614.1, establishes guidelines and furnishes instructions for the assignment of priority designators.
When a shipment is received, it includes changes as well as the basic publications. Each change must be incorporated into the basic publication in chronological order. Not until this is done is any given publication considered up to date. Some publications require few, if any, changes, while other publications are furnished with changes amounting to several times the size and weight of the basic publication.
The job of bringing the aeronautic technical publication outfitting allowance up to date after receipt is usually a monumental task, and it may seem to you that the task is unfair and unnecessary. Remember, when this outfitting allowance was ordered from NATSF, the shipment was prepared from stock off their shelves. There may be 50 or more issues of each basic publication you received still in stock at NATSF. If you multiply this figure by the number of different publications received in a single allowance and multiply again by the number of aircraft models in use in the Navy, you can see the size of the task if NATSF were to update every copy of all the different publications it stocks. It is a physical impossibility if they are to remain within their present budget limitations. The only alternative is local updating.
The initial outfitting and aeronautic technical publications outfitting allowances received by reactivated or newly commissioned aviation activities are received in the same unincorporated condition as mentioned earlier, and it requires much time and conscientious effort to make them current.
From time to time, it is necessary for an activity to obtain additional publications, increase quantities attained by initial outfitting, or replace technical manuals on a onetime basis. To meet these onetime requests, NAVAIR has established a onetime requisitioning system. Technical manuals procured by this approach are ordered using the DD 1348 or by Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS) message preparation. If the librarian desires follow-up changes or revisions for publications procured by a onetime request, the librarian must also submit a change to the Automatic Distribution Requirements Tables, NAVAIR 00-25 DRT-1 (discussed later in this chapter), adding the new requirement. The NAVAIR 00-25 DRT-1 is commonly referred to as the DRT (pronounced dirt) by the AZ community.
You should refer to NAVSUP 2002, section III, and the latest cumulative supplement, if applicable, for the proper stock number, publication number, title, and requisition restriction code in preparing orders for naval aeronautic technical publications. Stock numbers (13 digits) for manual publications are assigned by the Naval Supply Depot. These stock numbers have application only to certain publications and forms and should not be confused with the national stock numbering system. Requisition restriction codes assigned to issue-controlled items are two-character alphabetic codes signifying that a certain issue restriction has been placed upon an item by the sponsoring command or office.
DD 1348 is a single-line item requisition system document used by naval activities when requisitioning aeronautic technical manuals on a onetime basis. This requisition form is prepared and submitted through normal SUPPLY channels. Requests for issue of a controlled item are submitted on the DD 1348 with a letter of justification to the sponsor marked for the attention of the unit code.
The DAAS message is the fastest, most reliable, and least expensive method of ordering technical manuals. To help you in preparing the message requisition, a worksheet, NAVSUP 1353, is available that has the basic format of a DD 1348. This message may include multiple requisitions, as well as follow-ups and cancellation requests.
At times there may be requirements for technical publications controlled by activities other than NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC. The latest
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