Data Block C maybe left blank at the discretion of
the supply officer, or it may include the noun name of
the requested item.
Data Blocks D-F (Editing data) should be blank.
Use record positions (CC) 1-3 for entering the
document identifier. Appendix A4 of MILSTRIP,
NAVSUP-437, provides a listing of Document
Identifier codes.
Use record positions 4-6 for entering the Routing
Identifier code. This code identifies the activity that will
receive the requisition. This is a mandatory entry except
when the ship will issue the material to fill the
requisition. The Routing Identifier code entered in these
positions must apply to the activity shown in data block
A. See Appendix A10 of NAVSUP P437 for a list of
Routing Identifier codes.
Use record position 7 for entering the Media and
Status code. This code signifies the type of status
required, the activity to receive the status, and the
method for sending the status. See Appendix A6 of
NAVSUP P-437 for a list of Media and Status codes.
Use record position 8-22 for entering the item
identification number, national stock number (NSN) or
Navy item control number (NICN) The stock number
field will not include such data as cognizance symbol
and material control codes. When an item has an
assigned NSN, enter the federal supply class (FSC) in
record position 8 through 11. Enter the NATO code and
the national item identification number in record
positions 12 through 20. Enter the special material
identification code (SMIC) in record positions 21-22.
When required, enter the weapons systems designator
code (WSDC) in place of the SMIC for high priority
The most common NICNs authorized for entry in
MILSTRIP requisitions are stock numbers for forms,
publications, and parts kits. Other authorized NICNs
include the control numbers assigned by the inventory
control points or item manager. Enter the first four digits
of the NICN in record positions 8-11. Enter the NICN
code LL in record positions 12-13, and the remaining
characters in record positions 14-20.
Use record positions 23-24 for entering the proper
abbreviation for unit of issue. Appendix A23 of
NAVSUP P-437 provides a listing of unit of issues.
Ensure the unit of issue is correct by matching it with
the required quantity. For example, you will receive 100
of the items when you put 00001 in the quantity field
and the unit of issue field is HD (hundred). You will also
get 100 of the items when you put 00100 in the quantity
field and the unit of issue for the item is EA (each). If
you put the wrong unit of issue of EA with 00100 in
quantity field, you might get 10,000 of the items. This
happens when the unit of issue gets corrected to HD but
the quantity is not adjusted to 00001.
Use record positions 25-29 for entering the quantity
of the needed item. For a quantity of 99,999 or less, enter
the total quantity required. If the required quantity is less
than five digits, precede the quantity with zeros to
provide a five-digit entry. If the quantity is more than
99,999, prepare and submit additional requisitions for
the remaining amount.
Enter specific instructions in the Remarks field for
items needed in a minimum length, size, or other special
measurements when no advice code applies. For
example, Minimum length acceptable is 10 feet.
Enter C9999 in the Quantity field for continuing and
annual requirements. Use this for requisitions that will
result in multiple receipts of material or services. Some
of these are requirements for gasoline, telephone
service, or copying machine service. See NAVSO
P-3013, paragraph 4102-7, for information concerning
the use of C9999.
Use record positions 30-43 for entering the
document number. The document number includes the
requisitioners service designator code and UIC, the
Julian date of the requisition, and the serial number of
the requisition.
In record position 30, enter one of the following
service designator codes:
R - for Pacific Fleet operating units
V - for Atlantic Fleet operating units
N - for shore activities. Fleet operating units may
use this code when specifically authorized.
In record positions 31-35, enter the UIC of the
requisitioner. This is the chargeable activity when
record positions 52 and 53 cite an End-use Fund code
and the Signal code is an A or J.
In record positions 36-39, enter the Julian date of
the actual transmission of the requisition to the supply
source. The first position of the Julian date represents
the last digit of the calendar year. The last three positions
show the numeric consecutive day of the calendar year.
All government-issue calendars show the numeric
consecutive day of the calendar year. For example,
Julian date 3274 represents 1 October 1993.