for free-issue material. The Fund code for all
Appropriation Purchase Account (APA) material is Y6.
Use record positions 54-56 for entering the
monitoring activity and cognizance symbol. Enter the
monitoring activity code in record position 54 from
Appendix A3 of NAVSUP P-437. Enter the
two-character cognizance symbol in record positions
Use record positions 57-59 for entering the Project
code. This code is a mandatory entry on all Navy
requisitions. It identifies requisitions and related
documents applicable to specific projects or programs.
Refer to Appendix A8 of NAVSUP P-437 for a list of
Project codes.
Use record positions 60-61 for entering the priority
designator. Refer to OPNAVINST 4614.1 (series),
Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System
(UMMIPS) for details on priority designators.
Use record positions 62-64 for entering the required
delivery date R(DD .)When the standard delivery date
(SDD) is satisfactory, leave this field blank. The SDD
is the latest calendar date the requisitioner can expect to
receive the material requisitioned under a particular
priority designator. You can compute the SDD by adding
the number of days in the applicable UMMIPS time
standard to the requisition date.
When entered, the required delivery date specifies
exactly when the requisitioner wants the material. The
characters entered in this field may be a special code,
such as 999 or 777 or a Julian date that is earlier or later
than the computed SDD. Use 999 in this field for
NMCS/PMCS/Broad Arrow priority 01-04 requisitions
when material applies to overseas forces. The code 999
also applies to those activities alerted for deployment
3 of NAVSUP P-437 for a list of criteria in using
required delivery dates on requisitions.
Enter N in record position 62 for priority 01-08
requisitions that cannot meet the criteria for 999. When
used, entries in record positions 63-64 may show the
short RDD, expressed in number of days from the
requisition date.
Enter E in record position 62 for Anticipated Not
Mission Capable Supply (ANMCS) priority 01-08
requisitions that cannot meet the criteria for 999. Entries
in record positions 63-64 may show the short RDD,
expressed in number of days from the requisition date.
Use record positions 65-66 for entering the Advice
code. A requisition does not normally require an Advice
code. The requisitioner may use this code for conditions
that dictate when advice or restriction applies to the
requisitioned item. This code tells the source of supply
about the disposition of retrograde when requesting a
repairable item. Refer to Appendix A1 of NAVSUP
P-437 for a list of Advice codes.
Use Data Blocks L-V for necessary information
pertinent to the processing of requisitions by the supply
activity. You cannot send any exception data entered in
this block via the Automatic Digital Network
(AUTODIN). Requisitions with exception data use
document identifier A0E or A05, which prevents
automatic processing by mechanized activities. Aviation
activities use these blocks for information needed in
material reporting (MR). Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2
(series) for information concerning material reporting.
See figure 4-2 for an example of a MILSTRIP
within 30 days of the date of requisition. Refer to chapter
message requisition.
Figure 4-2.-MILSTRIP message requisition.