Figure 6-8.-Two-wheel hand truck.
Figure 6-9.-Stockpicker truck.
A stockpicker truck (fig. 6-9) is a hand truck used
for picking stock from retail shelves to fill orders. The
truck is small enough for warehouse personnel to push
into the aisles between the shelves. Personnel use the
truck shelves to carry small items in cardboard
containers, paper envelopes, or tote boxes. Some
models of stockpicker trucks have a ladder to allow
personnel to reach materials on high shelves safely.
The hand pallet truck is available in two distinct
designs. They are the hand-operated, hand-propelled
model and the electric-powered, hand-operated model.
The pallet truck has two load-carrying forks that can rise
about 4 inches to carry palletized loads. Its purpose is to
move pallet loads, which do not require stacking, in
Figure 6-10.-Hand pallet truck manual/hydraulic.
Figure 6-11.-Electric hand pallet truck.
short hauls. This includes moving pallet loads into cargo
trucks as well as moving material during shipping and
receiving operations. It works well with forklift trucks
and can access areas where a forklift cannot because of
space limitations.
The manual/hydraulic model (fig. 6-10) works well
in loading and unloading cargo trucks and aircraft. This
model is used whenever the operating conditions do not
require a hand truck with the special characteristics of
the powered model.
The electric hand pallet truck (fig. 6-11) is
advantageous for moving pallet loads to longer
distances. We also use this truck when the size of the
load, the presence of grades or inclines along the route,
or other considerations require the use of powered