Figure 7-3.-Partial issue documentation on DD Form 1348-1.
Partial issue means only part of the requested
quantity is available for issue. Storage personnel must
search all locations and check the on-hand quantity in
stock records. If the quantity of the item found is less
than the quantity requested, process the requisition as
partial issue. To process partial issues, line out the
requested quantity and enter and circle the issued
quantity. See figure 7-3 for an example of partial issue
document. Based on local policy, issue of a substitute
item may satisfy the remainder of the requirement. If
alternatives cannot fill the remaining requirement,
process an off-station requisition through the stock
control branch.
Consider material not in stock (NIS) only after a
thorough check of all the locations. To process, mark the
(fig.7-4). Based on local policy, conduct issue if there is
an acceptable substitute; otherwise, refer the requisition
off-station. If a substitute item is available and
acceptable for issue, SUADPS-RT will produce the
issue document. When substitute material is not
available, the computer will produce a DTO requisition.
After processing the requisition as DTO, mark the
original issue document with RECORDED IN
SUADPS. Then, initial and forward the document to
stock control for filing.
The issue transaction is complete after getting the
customers signature and posting in the records file.
Upon delivery or pickup of material, the customer must
sign and enter the current date on the issue document.
Personnel issuing the material must forward the signed
issue document to the processing point for the particular
storage area. The processing point posts the issue
transaction to update the records file. See figure 7-5 for
an example of completed issue document.
MANUAL PROCESSING. Off-line processing
of material requests, when the computer is down, consist
of four steps. They are the Supply/Logistics Support
Center (S/LSC) processing, warehouse processing,
material turnover, and post-post processing. The
following sections describe the responsibilities and
functions for off-line processing.