Label, attached. The DD Form 1387-2 label containsabbreviated shipping data, a description of thehazardous item, and special handling instructions.The receiving and transhipping activities will benotified in advance about shipments of classifiedmaterial moving other than by postal service. Theassigned classification codes will be given on advanceshipping notice and movement documents. In DD Form1348-1, the classification code is in block N. Onlydesignated personnel will handle classified material. Allclassified material will be located in a designatedsecurity storage area until receipt of dispositioninstruction. Personnel handling classified material musthave the required degree of security clearance.Material for Direct TurnoverThe document serial number other than 0000through 1999 identifies material for direct turnover(DTO) to customer. Serial numbers beginning with G orW indicate NMCS/PMCS/CASREP and requireimmediate action. The UIC on the document is theactivity’s own. The UIC of embarked squadrons andunits should also be considered for DTO processing.When materials received have G series documents,contact aviation stores (S-6) division for pickup.Contact stock control (S-1) division for W seriesdocuments.If the shipping document contains a security code,place the material under lock and key untiI the orderingdepartment picks up the material. The security codeoccupies block N of DD Form 1348-1 and the lower leftcorner of IRRD. Use the procedures for processingrepairable for items identified with material controlcodes (MCC) D, E, G, H, Q, or X in record position 73.Hazardous material should be turned over to personnelappointed by the ordering department.Material Without Identification LabelsIn some cases, you may receive material that doesnot have labels or paperwork. You should try to identifyit by CAGE and part number, description, and otheridentifying marks or qualities. Use a dummy receipt toprocess identified material. When all research methodsfail to identify the material, follow the procedures in thefollowing paragraphs.If material is a consumable, stage the item forturn-in ashore. Seek technical assistance from probableusers if material is a repair part. Contact the aviationstores division if material is aviation repairable.Stage unidentified material for turn-in to the nearestnaval activity ashore.Material Returned to SupplyA document must accompany each turn-intransaction. The receiving personnel will inspect it forquantity. Material turned into supply by nonsupportedunits must be taken up in stock. If the material is excessto stock requirements, offload material to an activityashore at the earliest opportunity.Material that cannot be identified by the end-userrequires additional technical research. Process materialinto stock when it is properly identified. Processmaterial for turn-in ashore if research methods failed toidentify the item.Processing of repairable items depends on thecondition of the material. Repairable items may be in aready-for-issue (RFI) or not-ready-for-issue (NRFI)condition. RFI material turned in by a nonsupported unitmay be shipped to the nearest supply activity, or it maybe placed in stock to fill an allowance deficiency. RFImaterial turned in by the supported unit will be deliveredto the storeroom for further processing. Process NRFIrepairable through AIMD for repair. If the item isbeyond the repair capability of AIMD, stage the NRFIrepairable for shipment to the transshipping activity.Materials returned to supply that were previouslyreported as missing or stolen, on DD Form 200, willhave the transaction reversed.SEPARATING MATERIAL RECEIPTSAfter learning the disposition of material, forwardit to either a storage location or to the customer. Themethod used to stage and distribute material dependsupon several factors. These factors include the spaceavailable, location of storeroom, amount of material,and type of material. Aboard ship, additional factorsinclude availability of customer’s representatives andship’s operations.Receipts for Direct TurnoverMark DTO material receipts with the end user’sname or work center code. Place the material in thetemporary holding area reserved for the end user. Attacha copy of the receipt document for customer signature.Notify the ordering department immediately if materialreceived has high priority. Notify the orderingdepartment at least daily for material receipts with lowerpriority. Notify stock control (S-1) or the depot-level5-24
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