Figure 5-7.-Report of Receipt, Nonreceipt or Nonconformance.
line out quantity and enter and circle quantity received
in good condition. Write an explanation of the
differences directly below the adjusted quantity, as
shown in figure 5-8. After block 21A has been
completed for PQA at origin, receiving personnel then
certify the quantity received in block 22.
Acceptance At Source
When block 8 shows Acceptance code S or O
(source or other) and block 21A was completed for PQA
and acceptance, receiving personnel need only to certify
the quantity received in block 22. Figure 5-9 is a sample
DD Form 250 accepted at source.
Process receipts for material received on a DD Form
250 as soon as possible to fulfill the discount terms
shown in block 5. This type of material is normally
expensive. Quick processing of receipt can result in a
reduced cost to the Government (fig. 5-9).
You may use U.S. Government Bill of Lading
(GBL) (Standard Form 1103) to give delivery
instructions to a commercial carrier. To provide receipt
documentation to the ordering activity, use Standard
Form 1103B. Shore activities often divert commercial
deliveries directly to ships in the area to cut the need for
double handling of material. In such cases, it is the ships
responsibility to tell the ashore support activity of any
material received short or damaged. Commercial
carriers do not always make scheduled deliveries.
Receiving personnel must be able to react quickly to
unexpected deliveries. Quick response to deliveries will
avoid additional charges against the Government by
commercial carrier. See figure 5-10 for sample GBL.