property. This category includes, but is not limited to,
furniture, fixtures, office or industrial equipments, and
personnel support equipments. The subcategories
within minor property include classified, sensitive, and
pilferable equipment. Navy commands must have
internal controls to manage minor property. The
controlled equipage program is an example of internal
control used aboard ships.
Plant property is defined as those items with a unit
cost of ,000 or more and that have a useful life of
more than 2 years. Plant property includes the
. All Navy-owned real property and realty not
owned, but the Navy is responsible for its accountability.
l Personal capital property located in shore
establishments or used by shore-based units under
specified circumstances.
l Such real or personal property out-granted to
others not under Navy Department, provided the title
remains with or reverts to the navy when the out-grant
is canceled. It does NOT include equipment selected as
minor property, special tooling or test equipment, or
personal capital property that is reported in a financial
inventory account.
l Assets bought before October 1, 1991, which met
the criteria for inclusion in the plant account. This refers
to items bought at the previous threshold of ,000.
ancy is considered resolved if the research determines
the discrepancy and adjustment can be made to correct
the records. Resolved discrepancies do not require DD
Form 200 as support documentation.
RESPONSIBLE OFFICER. This officer is an
individual appointed by proper authority to exercise
custody, care, and safekeeping of assigned property
record items. The department head or the division
officer is the responsible officer for property book
individual appointed, in writing, by the approving
authority to review and analyze the results of supply
system stock research. The supply officer or assistant
supply officer is the reviewing authority for supply
systems stock.
SUPPLY SYSTEM STOCK. These stocks are
materials maintained in stock records. The records show
such data as receipts, issues, transfers, and on-hand
balance. This includes end-use and stock-funded repair
parts and consumables stocked in the supply department
evidence of paperwork or bookkeeping failure is found
after research, the discrepancy y between the record and
physical status of material is considered an unresolved
Survey Criteria
If the discrepancy between the records and physical
status of material is due to paperwork error, make the
proper transaction to adjust and correct it. You must
ensure proper processing of transactions when you
make the corrections. These are resolved discrepancies
and do not need a DD Form 200.
Unresolved discrepancies that do not meet the
criteria for submitting DD Form 200 must be corrected
by inventory adjustments. A DD Form 200 is not
required to substantiate the inventory adjustment. The
stock record will be adjusted with inventory gain or loss
when the preliminary research fails to resolve the
discrepancy. Contingent upon the extended dollar value
or type of item involved, a causative research must be
conducted to determine the cause of the physical
inventory adjustment.
200 if an item of stock belongs to the following material
. Sensitive items, (drugs, precious metals,
narcotics) when any discrepancy exists, regardless
dollar value.
. Classified items, regardless of dollar value.
l Arms, ammunition, or explosives, regardless of
dollar value.
. Pilferable items, when the extended dollar value
of a line item discrepancy is 0 or more.
. Any discrepancy or repetitive loss when there is
a sign or suspicion of fraud, theft, or negligence.
. Bulk petroleum fuel, when the loss exceeds
stated allowances. For example, the stated allowance for
loss during receipt of JP-5 fuel is one quarter of one
percent. See DOD Manual 4140.25-M and
OPNAVINST 4020.25 (series) for details.
. Noncontrolled items, when the extended dolar
value of a line item physical inventory adjustment is