Ashore, SERVMART has the same function as
SEAMART afloat. Issues from SERVMART require a
money-value-only document and a shopping list. The
SERVMARTshopping list maybe NAVSUP Form 1314
or a facsimile printed from the computer system. Issues
from SERVMART are conducted by each category of
material. The transactions require one supporting
requisition per material category. The material
categories are as follows:
. Stock replenishment of consumables
. Stock replenishment of repair parts
. DTO consumables
l DTO repair parts
l Equipage
. Medical/dental material
. Hull and structural maintenance preservation
Aviation activities and squadrons get material from
SERVMART by using separate requisitions for each
category of item. These activities use different
requisitions for buying items for aircraft maintenance
and administrative functions. The NAVSO P-3013-2
lists the authorized fund codes used by these activities
for buying specific types of materials.
After completing the issue, the activitys account is
charged, with the total cost of the items listed in the
shopping list, on the document.
AVIATION FUELS. The document used for
issues of aviation fuels to onboard aircraft squadrons or
detachments is DD Form 1348 (6-pt). The transaction
document must cite the squadrons end-use find code.
The completed transaction will result in the ship
recording a SAC 207 NSA material issue. For example,
the issues will appear in the financial inventory report
(FIR), caption J1, Issues With Reimbursement-Service
A transfer is the movement of material from the
custody and records of one activity to another activity.
One of the general duties of the supply officer is
material transfer. The supply officer, or his/her assistant,
is responsible for approving transfers of material from
the activity. These materials include consumables,
equipage, repair parts, ships store stock and food items.
Before transferring the material, the supply officer is
responsible for ensuring that the department using the
material does not need it anymore. The supply or
command duty officer may approve material transfer
during the supply officers absence.
Authority For Transfer
Material transfer must be made only after receipt of
an approved official request document. The document
may be a requisition, letter, or message. The offload of
excess material to a shore activity does not need a
request document. Excess material transferred to shore
activities requires the supply officers approval.
Other department heads that have custody of
material must turn-in the material to supply for
documentation and transfer. Other department heads are
responsible for informing the supply officer if they need
to retain the materials that are considered for transfer.
NOTE: Transfer of the Maintenance Assist Module
(MAM) must have the type commanders approval.
Types of Transfers
The following paragraphs describe the different
types of transfers.
FORCES. For this type of transfer, the Service
Designator code assigned to the activity will be R or V.
The Fund code used will indicate the fund and the
Defense Accounting Office (DAO) supporting the
T R A N S F E R T O E N D - U S E S H O RE
ACTIVITIES. In this type of transfer, the activitys
Service Designator code is N.
OPERATING FUND. On this type of transfer, the
accounting data cited must contain the DBOF
appropriation 17X4930 on the transfer document. When
used, the Fund code must apply to the DBOF
appropriation. The following are DBOF activities:
l Special Accounting Class (SAC) 207 ships and
activities. SAC 207 is a segment of the Navy stock
account (NSA) that identifies material carried onboard
specific types of ships. This includes aircraft carriers,
amphibious assault ships, marine aircraft groups
(MAG), tenders, repair ships, and combat stores ships.
l Special Accounting Class (SAC) 224 ships. SAC
224 is a segment of NSA that identifies material carried
onboard ship types AE, AO, AOE, and AOR.