FLIGHT CLOTHING. The supply department
has custody of flight clothing and flight operational
equipment in store until issued. The supply department
also has the custody of returned, damaged, or soiled
clothing. This includes clothing held pending survey,
repair, or cleaning. Certain designated personnel may
use flight clothing on an individual basis. Other
personnel may use flight clothing included in the flight
clothing pool. The NAVAIR 00-35-QH-2 publication
lists the flight clothing items issued on individual basis.
Also, it lists the designated personnel authorized to use
flight clothing and equipments.
Issue procedures for items of fight clothing is
different from other material. NAVSUP Publication 1,
volume 2, chapter 5, describes the procedures for flight
clothing. The form used for requisitioning flight
clothing is DD Form 1348(6 or 4 part). Requisition may
come from aviation squadrons or the material control
division of an activity.
Issues for replacement of surveyed articles of flight
clothing have different procedures. Lost or missing
articles of flight clothing must be surveyed. The
requisitioner can accomplish the survey by inserting a
brief explanation of the cause and responsibility on DD
Form 1348. The statement on DD Form 1348 must have
the commanding officers approval and signature.
Issues of flight clothing require entry to the Record
of Flight Equipment Issue, OPNAV 3760/32B, in the
individuals record. OPNAV 3760/32B is part of the
Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures
Standardization (NATOPS) Flight Personnel Training/
Qualification Jacket. The flight gear custodian of the
receiving activity is responsible for entering the
information in the individuals OPNAV 3760/32B.
Submit requisitions for flight clothing hems that
require special measurement through the Commander,
Defense Personnel Support Center (DPSC). DPSC
processes the DD Form 1348 (requisition) and the
Armed Forces Measurement Blank DD Form 358
(male)/DD Form1111 (female) to fill the requests. Refer
to NAVSUPINST 4400.70 (series) for additional
Authorized personnel receive initial outfitting of
leather flight jackets upon completion of schools or
training. NAS Pensacola records the issue of leather
flight jacket in the individuals OPNAV 3760/32B. The
only authorized stock point for leather flight jacket is
Naval Air Station, Pensacola. Customers may submit
requests for leather flight jacket by letter and requisition
to the supply officer of NAS Pensacola. The letter must
contain the name, rank and social security number of
the bona fide recipient, and it must be signed by the
commanding officer. The requisition document may be
a DD Form 1348 (6-pt) or NAVSUP Form 1250-1. Only
upon turn-in of the old jacket to NAS Pensacola (code
1962J) can a replacement be issued. The turn-in
document must contain the name, rank and social
security number of the individual turning in the jacket.
Submit replacement request for lost or stolen leather
flight jacket with an approved DD Form 200.
Issue procedures for items included in the maintenance
support package (MSP) may vary. The issue procedures
may be the same as the off-line processing or
mechanized processing. Another way of issuing items
from MSP is by use of a locally developed drop sheet.
When used, the drop sheet contains separate line entries
for each item issued. The format of the drop sheet must
include the information necessary to record the issue
according to set procedures. It also must include the
Maintenance Data System (MDS) information for 3-M
reporting. The drop sheet must include the following
Unit of issue
Julian date
Serial number
Job control number
Type Equipment code
Work Unit code
Project code
Receipt signature
Fund code
Activities may use the Naval Aviation Logistics
Command Management Information System
(NALCOMIS) procedures, when available, for issuing
MSP items.
SEAMART. This is a self-service store onboard
ships. Materials stocked in SEAMART are low-cost,
consumable items frequently used by work centers of
the activity. The procedures for SEAMART issues may
vary from other activities. The procedures may be the
same as off-line processing or they can be a shopping
list. Automated activities can use the SEAMART issue
function described in the SUADPS-RT Support
Procedures Manual.