funds for buying repairable items. Figure 1-3 illustratesthe Aviation Supply Office organization. This chapterdescribes the divisions of the ASO organization that youshould be familiar with. This information will makeyour job easier.The Commanding Officer of ASO is responsible foraccomplishing the mission of the command.The Executive Officer is the direct representative ofthe commanding officer in maintaining the generalefficiency of ASOThe Special Assistants provide advisory assistanceto the command level of ASOThe Branch Aviation Supply Office (BRASO)performs programs support and inventory managementfor assigned weapons systems and equipment. Theseinclude consumable and repairable catapult andarresting gear material.The Operations Directorate ensures the generaleffectiveness of the divisions under its control. There arethree divisions under the Operations Directorate thatperform as item managers. The following paragraphsdescribe these divisions.The Strike Fighter division, under the OperationsDirectorate, manages material in support of fighter andattack aircraft in the Navy,The Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW), Electronicsand Trainer division serves as item manager for differenttypes of material. It manages items needed to supportaircraft involved in ASW, electronics, and trainingmissions. It also provides support for communicationand navigation parts.The Power Plant, Helicopter, and SupportEquipment (SE) division is responsible for managingengines, SE, and helicopter items in the Navy.As item managers, these divisions are responsiblefor maintaining stock of particular aeronautical materialin the Navy. Some of their functions include thefollowing:l Preparing the material requisitions to documentthe initial requirements as determined by provisioning.l Reviewing the supply demand information tolearn the item requirements in the supply system. ASOuses this information in considering replenishment ofstock.. Controlling the distribution and redistribution ofASO managed items.l Processing all requisitions and requests for statusthat require manual processing.. Controlling the repair and rework of ASOmanaged aeronautical items.Another division under the Operations Directorateis the Customer Operations division. The CustomerAdvocate branch under the Customer Operationsdivision serves as the connecting link between ASO andits customers. This branch performs the followingfunctions:. Maintains data about the specific logistics andoperating environment of the supported unit.. Coordinates, monitors, and controls thedevelopment, maintenance, and distribution of AVCALand SHORCAL from allowance list.. Prepares the tailored Aircraft EquipmentConfiguration List (AECL) for review by supportedunit. Monitors accuracy and updates the AECL whenappropriate.l Verifies, updates, and maintains file data ofsupported unit allowances.l Monitors and confirms customer requirements.. Assesses system capabilities and enhancementsto improve the support process and overall readiness ofintermediate maintenance activities.There are three site support sections under theCustomer Advocate branch in ASO These sectionsperform the functions of the Customer Advocate branchin support of different sites. Site support section 1performs the functions for assigned afloat units. Section2 performs the functions for assigned Marine Air Group(MAG) and selected shore stations. Section 3 performsthe functions for assigned shore stations.The Requisition Control Center (RCC) of theCustomer Operations division performs the followingfunctions:. Receives and processes all requisitions andrequisition-related documents received by mail ormessage.. Reviews and prepares for processing allmechanically oriented material requests.. Edits material requests and related documents forcorrect format.. Ensures quick delivery of material required to fillcustomer requisitions.1-5
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