number, naval aviation depot (NADEP) customer
service, or as instructed by the CFA.
l Register all parcel post shipments.
l On the DD Form 1348-1 shipping docu-
ment, stamp EI in 3-inch letters on the face
without obliterating any vital data elements. In
the Ship to block, enter the words Investigation
Material and the control number.
The supply department may not retain the
material longer than the 30-day time limit.
This time limit allows adequate time for the
maintenance engineering cognizant field activity
(MECFA) to report shipment of the deficient
This program provides a means to rapidly
account for all tools after completing a
maintenance task, thus reducing the potential for
foreign object damage (FOD).
The material control officer coordinates the
tool control program (TCP) and guarantees tools
are procured and issued in a controlled manner
consistent with the approved tool control plan
The exterior of all toolboxes or rollaways
used for maintenance must clearly identify the
organization, work center, and tool container
number. The tools contained in the toolboxes
must be etched with the organization code, work
center code, and the container number. Special
accountability procedures must be established
locally for those tools not suitable for etching; for
example, jewelers screwdrivers.
Each tool must be placed in a silhouetted con-
tainer against a contrasting background. The
silhouetted tool outline highlights each tool loca-
tion within the container. Those containers not
silhouetted must contain a diagram of the tool
locations. Additionally, they must include a
separate listing of tools in calibration or requiring
The AIR is used to establish a formal,
continuous chain of accountability for specific
equipment installed on or designated for use on
any aircraft. The AIR is applicable to all aircraft
and lists selected material and equipment account-
able by all Navy organizations that are assigned
or physically possess operational aircraft. The
AIR is prepared by the aircraft manufacturer and
is delivered with each individual aircraft.
Aircraft Transfer and Acceptance
When an aircraft is to be transferred on site,
designated inventory teams from the transferring
and accepting activities jointly inventory the air-
craft and record, in the appropriate column of
the AIR Equipment List, OPNAV Form 4790/111,
the quantity of each item on board the aircraft
at the time of transfer. The AIR Shortages,
OPNAV Form 4790/112, is completed to identify
shortages of AIR items and mission essential
subsystems matrix (MESM) related equipment
that are not available for transfer, concurrent with
the aircraft.
When a ferry pilot is required to effect an air-
craft transfer, two inventories are madeone
before the ferry flight by the transferring activity
and one on completion of transfer by the accepting
activity. The ferry pilot does not participate in the
inventories except to accept custody of pilferable
and classified equipment from the transferring ac-
tivity and to transfer custody of the items to the
accepting activity.
AIR items that cannot be placed on the air-
craft for transfer are shipped separately marked
as AIR Equipment for Aircraft Bureau Number
(BUNO). A note to indicate such shipments is
made in column E of the AIR equipment list
opposite each affected equipment.
Immediately upon receipt of notification of
transfer, the transferring activity inventories all
equipment specifically assigned to the aircraft
(AIR and MESM equipment), including all items
that cannot be placed aboard the aircraft for
transfer, and then lists such equipment on a DD
Form 1149. This loose equipment is turned in to
supply for appropriate shipment to the receiving
activity. A receipt copy of the DD Form 1149 is