Basic concepts and guidelines for aviation
material management are established to guarantee
that requisitioning procedures are standard and
properly used by all maintenance activities, a
positive control is maintained for all accountable
material, personnel and material resources are
used to the maximum, and supply response to
material demands is optimum.
These concepts and guidelines represent
material management policies of the Chief
of Naval Operations (CNO) for maintenance
and supply personnel at all levels engaged in
supporting the Naval Aviation Maintenance
Program (NAMP). The impact of sophisticated
weapons systems requires intensified material
management by both maintenance and supply
activities to improve turnaround time (TAT)
of repairable through positive control and
reporting procedures, to maintain accurate stock
records (to reflect material availability, location,
condition, and quantity), and to improve the
quality of data input for material reporting.
This chapter covers some areas and respon-
sibilities of the AK involved in aviation material
management functions.
Material control centers are contact points
within maintenance organizations where re-
quirements for parts and material are coordinated
with the supply support centers (SSCs). Material
control centers are functional areas within the
maintenance organizations and are tasked with
making sure maintenance requirements for parts
and material are forwarded to the SSC in a timely
and continuous manner and that parts and
material received are quickly routed to the
applicable work centers and not allowed to
It is the responsibility of the material control
centers to coordinate material ordering, receipt,
and delivery. This is done to guarantee that the
material ordered is the material required and that
it reaches the work centers within the specified
time frame. The material control centers provide
material support to their cognizant organization
by taking action as follows:
. Establishing delivery and pickup points for
material as mutually agreed on by supply and
maintenance and maintaining liaison with the
supporting SSC on maintenance material matters
to guarantee that the material needs of the
organization are satisfied.
. Preparing documents for material required
for operational support of weapons systems; for
example, aviation fuel, lube oil, flight clothing,
and material carried in service market outlets.
. Furnishing technical advice and informa-
tion to the supply activity on the identity and
quantity of supplies, parts, and material.
. Establishing procedures to ensure proper
operation of toolrooms and the performance of
tool inventories.
. Making sure surveys are prepared in
the event of loss, damage, or destruction of
accountable material.
. Keeping maintenance control advised of
the overall supply situation and its effect on
. Performing memorandum operating target
(OPTAR) funding, accounting, charting, and
budgeting of costs. A separate material control
register is maintained for each OPTAR held.