to the government and to improve supplier
relations by speeding payments to contractors for
the small dollar value contracts. The fast payment
procedure is particularly suitable when the
consignee of the material or services is to an afloat
unit or the designated activity is located in a
remote or overseas area and the time required for
processing would delay payment to the contractor.
Fast payment orders are prepared and issued
on the Supplies or Services/Request for Quota-
tions, DD Form 1155. All calls under a BPA that
use the fast payment procedure may be confirmed
by a DD Form 1155. The fast payment procedure
clause in paragraph 14 of the reverse of the
DD Form 1155 is incorporated in the purchase
order by checking the appropriate box in block
16. The original and all copies of the DD
Form 1155 should be marked FAST PAY in bold
When you submit a requisition for pur-
chase action and the contracting officer responds
by placing a fast payment order with a com-
mercial supplier, you will receive a copy of the
purchase order and a preaddressed report of
receipt, nonreceipt, or nonconformance postcard
(fig. 4-1). The form is prepared within 10
days after receiving material that does not
conform to the requirements of the order or
call. When nonconforming supplies are received,
a Report of Discrepancy, STD Form 364,
is required and must be returned with the
Figure 4-1.-Report of receipt, nonreceipt, or nonconformance card.