Section C0018. The Repairable Assemblies
Model Code Table of Navy Aviation Materials,
C0018, lists the various model codes and their
respective NSNs that are shown in the ASO P2300
and P2310 sections.
Section C0030. The Packaging Data for ASO
and NAVAIR Repairable, C0030, is used to assist
field personnel in the proper techniques to pre-
vent damage to RFI and retrograde materials.
List of Repairable Assemblies of Navy
Aviation Materials, P2300. This section is
in microfiche format and is published in two
parts. Part 1, which is listed in NIIN sequence,
is designed to serve as a master reference list
for identifying and requisitioning repairable
assemblies under COG 7R and 2V. Part 2 lists air-
craft engines.
List of Supporting Repair Parts of Navy
Aviation Materials, P2310. This section is in
microfiche format and printed in NIIN sequence
and serves as a master reference list for identifying
and requisitioning all parts of replacement
significance required to support repairable
assemblies listed in section P2300.
Listings of Recoverability Items (SM&R Code
Changes), P2320. This microfiche section contains
a cumulative listing of items of which the source,
maintenance, and recoverability (SM&R) codes
have been changed and also items that affect
funding requirements. It is an advance notice of
approved changes not yet reflected in sections
P2300 and P2310.
Family Group Code Cross-Reference, P2330.
This microfiche section is used to identify the head
of family and cross-reference the family group
code to specific NSNs within the family.
Cataloging Handbook
The Cataloging Handbook, H4/H8, is a
microfiche publication that contains the name,
address, and CAGE code for each company that
produces items used by the federal government.
The CAGE is used in conjunction with a part
number, an item number, a symbol, or a trade
name to identify the specific manufacturer of an
Individual Component Repair List
The Individual Component Repair List
(ICRL) is an overall statement of intermediate
maintenance activity (IMA) component repair
capability at aviation activities. Repair capability
data is provided to the ASO by IMAs, based on
items processed, past experience, and SM&R
codes. The ICRL identifies fixed allowance items
capable of local repair, targeted for future repair,
or for which future repair is not planned. Master
ICRL data is published by the ASO and
distributed quarterly to all participating IMAs.
Detailed explanation of policy, procedures, and
format of the ICRL is outlined in NAVAIR-
INST 4790.18.
Consolidated Remain-In-Place List
The Consolidated Remain-In-Place List
(CRIPL) is a microfiche publication identifying
those intermediate level (I-level) and depot level
(D-level) repairable that are authorized to remain
in an aircraft until a serviceable item is received
from supply. The CRIPL consists of three parts:
NIIN sequence listing, part number to NIIN
listing, and a discrete listing for each type/model
aircraft in NIIN sequence. The CRIPL is pub-
lished on microfiche by the ASO. It is based on
inputs from carriers, marine air groups (MAGs),
TYCOMs, and it is screened by NAVAIR.
Procedures for establishing, maintaining, and
modifying items listed in the CRIPL are contained
in OPNAVINST 4440.25.
ASO Publication Navy Activity Control
The ASO Publication Navy Activity Control
(NAC-10) is a comprehensive index of all NAC
numbers reported. It is arranged by manufac-
turers part number and includes information such
as description, NAC number, quantity reported,
and NSN, if available. When an item is identified
to an NSN by the ASO, the NSN is listed and the
item is not listed in future publications of the
NAC-10. The NAC-10 publication is furnished
to all aviation supply activities for information
and may be used in conjunction with other cross-
references. When an activity has an immediate
need for an item listed in the NAC-10, the activity
may submit a requisition to the activity reporting
a quantity on hand.
Publications dealing primarily with the opera-
tion and maintenance of aircraft and related
equipment within the Department of the Navy are