Navy Supply Acquisition
Regulation Supplement
The Navy Supply Acquisition Regulation
Supplement (SUPARS), NAVSUP P-560, im-
plements and supplements the Navy Acquisi-
tion Regulation Supplement (NARSUP), the
Department of Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR). This publication
establishes uniform policies and procedures for
the acquisition of supplies and services by the
Navy field contracting system including fleet units
receiving contracting authority and policy direc-
tion from Commander, NAVSUPSYSCOM. You
should use this publication as a guide when
procuring material for local purchase, blanket
purchase agreement (BPA), imprest fund, or
purchase orders.
Automated SNAP I Supply Procedures
The Automated SNAP I Supply Procedures
(ASSP), NAVSUP P-567, provides detailed
procedures for the operation of Shipboard
Uniform Automated Data Processing System-
Real Time (SUADPS-RT) for logistics manage-
ment, inventory management, and financial
management. It is mandatory for all aircraft
carriers and amphibious assault ships using
SUADPS SNAP I procedures.
General Services Administration
Federal Supply Catalog
The General Services Administration (GSA)
Federal Supply Catalog lists approximately 20,000
line items that are stocked in GSA supply distribu-
tion facilities. The items listed in this catalog are
assigned cognizance 9Q. The GSA Supply Catalog
serves as the major merchandising instrument of
the federal supply service (FSS) stock program
and consists of a guide and four commodity
catalogs as follows:
1. The GSA Supply Catalog Guide contains
consolidated alphabetical and NSN indexes to all
stock items listed in the four commodity catalogs
and other items available through the FSS
program. It provides detailed information con-
cerning the program and requisitioning
2. The GSA Supply Catalog (Tools) contains
listings of common and special use tools. It
includes alphabetical and numerical indexes and
a price list.
3. The GSA Supply Catalog (Office Products)
lists a wide variety of items for office use,
including paper supplies, standard and optional
forms, and many items of equipment. It includes
alphabetical and numerical indexes and a price
4. The GSA Supply Catalog (Industrial Pro-
ducts) contains descriptive listings of a broad
range of items such as hardware, paints,
adhesives, chemicals, machinery, building
materials, and cleaning equipment and supplies.
It includes alphabetical and numerical indexes and
a price list.
5. The GSA Supply Catalog (Furniture)
provides a single source of information for all
furniture items presently stocked by the FSS.
Activities desiring these catalogs on a continuing
basis should submit an FSS Publication Mailing
List Application, GSA Form 457. Before process-
ing requisitions for submission to GSA, you
should refer to the ILs or ML-N for supply
management data.
Aviation Supply Office (ASO) publications
that you should become familiar with include C
sections, P sections, equipment lists, and
miscellaneous ASO publications and directives.
Some of the most frequently used ASO publica-
tions and directives required in the technical
library are covered in the following paragraphs.
Cross-Reference and Parts
Listings (C and P Sections)
The C and P sections usually used in the
technical library for cross-reference data are as
Section Index, C0001. The Section Index,
C0001, lists the titles for all ASO publications,
gives brief descriptions of the contents of each
section, and provides the stock numbers and latest
issuance date for each section.
ASO Publication, CN-01. The Consolidated
Notes for Selected Microfiche Publications of the
ASO Publications, CN-01, contains descriptions
of the format and contents of Sections P2300,
P2310, P2330, CRIPL-01 , NAC-10, ICRL-A,
ICRL-C, and Sections C0018 and C0030.