applicable, local disposal direction, and other
selected management data. The MRIL must be
used in conjunction with the Supply Afloat
Packaging Procedures, NAVSUP P-484, and
Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, for
all afloat activities and MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP,
NAVSUP P-437, and the Material Turned In To
Store (MTIS) Manual, NAVSUPINST 4440.157,
for ashore activities. The MRIL is published on
microfiche by the FMSO and distributed monthly
to all ships and shore activities that use or
process repairable. Each edition supersedes the
previous edition and the old microfiche should be
discarded except for the introduction which is
published and distributed quarterly. The MRIL
is divided into two parts. Part I contains NSNs
and NICNs of repairable items and aircraft engine
type/model/series identifiers. It also contains
information required to make repair or turn-in
determinations on repairable and aircraft
engines. NSNs and NICNs listed in this part are
in NIIN sequence. Part II contains addresses of
DOPs including contractors and other indicated
destinations for all items listed in part I. Addresses
are listed in shipping code sequence. Items that
are either in long supply or are authorized to
remain in place are indicated, and the NIIN of
specially designated reusable shipping containers
for returning the repairable component is
Hazardous Material Information System
The Hazardous Material Information System
(HMIS) provides information to assist users in
managing hazardous materials so that the risk
involved in the performance of various jobs is
minimized. The HMIS provides a wide range of
data related to safety, health, packaging, labeling,
transportation, and disposal of hazardous
material. It also provides stowage and handling
safety precautions. The HMIS is in microfiche
format and is issued quarterly by NAVSUPSYS-
List of Items Requiring Special Handling
The List of Items Requiring Special Handling
(LIRSH), NAVSUP P-4105, is published to
identify items that require special handling. The
LIRSH is a reference publication used in conjunc-
tion with other publications, such as the MRIL
and/or HMIS. Categories of items listed include
repairable items, shelf-life items (deteriorative in
nature), physical security code items (for special
handling), and hazardous items. The LIRSH is
published quarterly to coincide with the ML-N.
Interim updating of elements such as NSN,
repairable, security, shelf-life, and shelf-life
action code data is provided via change notice
cards/tapes to all applicable activities. Distribu-
tion of the LIRSH is controlled by the FMSO.
Afloat Shopping Guide
The Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG), NAVSUP
P-4400, is designed to assist fleet and all Navy
supply support personnel in identifying the NSN
items that are most frequently requested by ships.
It includes a detailed description of each item, a
specific code to designate items carried by combat
logistics force (CLF) ships, and when applicable,
stock numbers of substitute items, The ASGs also
include specifications, illustrations, or diagrams
of several types of materials. The ASGs contain
six sections as follows:
Federal Supply Group/
Federal Supply Class (FSG/FSC)
2040 to 4930
5110 to 5680
5905 to 5990
6135 to 7360
7510 to 8470
9150 to 9920
To obtain management data for those NSNs
listed, the ML-N should be consulted for current
information on unit of issue, unit price, and other
pertinent supply management data required to
requisition the item. This publication is updated
as required. The ASG is distributed to all ships
and Navy activities providing supply support
within the Navy supply system.
Identification Lists
The Identification Lists (ILs) are developed
and published by the DLSC to provide descriptive
and illustrative data to identify or select items of
supply used by all services. Therefore, various
NSNs identified in the ILs are not listed in the
ML-N. The ILs are updated either quarterly or
semiannually, depending on the size of each. The
ILs are distributed only to shore activities, load-
carrying ships, and aircraft carriers.