Classified material must bestowed in the manner
prescribed in chapter 5 of the Department of the
Navy Information and Personnel Security Program
Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1. This publica-
tion outlines the physical security standards and
requirements that serve as a uniform guide for
determining the type and degree of protection for
classified material. These standards and require-
ments are designed to provide for flexibility as well
as adequacy in the physical security program.
Keys for padlocks used to protect classified
material must be given the same protection as the
material they protect. It is essential that combina-
tions be known or keys be accessible only to those
persons whose official duties demand access to
the container involved. The combination or key
to the security container must be changed at the
time received, at the time any person having
knowledge of it transfers from the organizational
unit, at anytime there is a reason to believe it has
been compromised, or in any case not less than
every 12 months. Any document showing the
combination to a lock must be of the same
classification as the material in the container
secured by that lock. Records of combinations
must be sealed in an envelope and kept by the
security manager, duty officer, or other person-
nel designated by the commanding officer.
When combination numbers are selected,
multiples of 5 (ascending or descending) or
personal data such as birth dates and social
security numbers should not be used.
An AK should be able to determine what
records should be held in the files for a period
of time or what records should be destroyed or
transferred for preservation.
Record disposal techniques must keep pace
with increased production and dissemination
techniques. Temporary records must be identified,
scheduled, and regularly destroyed, and perma-
nent records must be identified and marked for
preservation. The United States Criminal Code
(appendix B) provides for fines and penalties
including imprisonment for unlawful and willful
destruction or removal of government records.
OPNAVINST 5510.1 provides for the destruction
of classified matter. This and other regulations
for safeguarding security information must be
followed at all times in applying the provisions
outlined in the Navy and Marine Corps Records
Disposition Manual, SECNAVINST 5212.5.
Matter classified as Top Secret must be
transmitted as prescribed by OPNAVINST 5510.1.
Only Secret and lesser classified material may be
sent via mail as prescribed by the Department of
the Navy Official Mail Management Instruction,
OPNAVINST 5218.7. All classified material must
remain under U.S. custody and control at all
Any of the means approved for the transmis-
sion of Top Secret material prescribed in chapter
8 of OPNAVINST 5510.1 may be used.
Registered mail is used for the transmission
of all Secret material, NATO Confidential, and
all other Confidential material mailed to an
FPO/APO address.
Certified mail may be used for the transmis-
sion of Confidential (other than NATO) material
addressed to contractor facilities cleared for
access to classified information under the DOD
Industrial Security Program or to any non-DOD
agency of the executive branch.
Regular First-Class Mail or priority mail
should be used for the transmission of Confiden-
tial (other than NATO Confidential) material
addressed to DOD activities located anywhere in
the United States and its territories.
Turn-in of classified material is handled
according to the Department of the Navy
Information and Personnel Security Program
Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1. Personnel
handling classified items for turn-in must be
cleared to handle classified material up to the level
of the material being turned in. Top Secret and
Secret material is turned in under a continuous
chain of receipts. Receipts for Confidential
material may be required at the discretion of the
transmitter. Receipts for hand-delivered material
are obtained on the No. 1 copy of the DD Form
1348-1, which is returned to the activity and filed
in the expenditure invoice file.
When classified material is mailed or shipped,
the special packaging, addressing shipment,
and receipt procedures contained in OPNAV-
INST 5510.1, chapter 8, must be followed. In such
cases, the No. 5 or 6 copy of the DD Form 1348-1
is stamped or annotated with the phrase Con-
signee sign and return this copy. When the
receipted copy is returned, it is filed (with the
retained original) in the expenditure invoice file.