Table 3-2.-Instructions for Preparation of DD Form 200—ContinuedDISTRIBUTION OF THE SURVEY—Third copy. A copy is forwarded to theUpon completion of the survey, the distribu-tion of the DD Form 200 is as follows:—Original. The original with all attachmentsis filed in the expenditure invoice file, if notrequired by higher authority.—First copy. A copy of the approved surveyis submitted to the TYCOM when the survey valueexceeds 0.—Second copy. A copy is filed in theexpenditure file with all attachments when theoriginal is required by higher authority.disbursing officer for collection when pecuniaryliability is assessed.— Fourth copy. A copy of the survey isattached to the shipping document when thesurveyed item is to be turned in ashore for repairor disposal.—Others. Additional copies are distributedas required locally or as directed by higherauthority.The approved DD Form 200, preliminary andcausative research findings and recommendations,and all other documentation related to thesurveyed material should be retained for a periodof 3 years.3-24
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