The categories of survey material are supply
system stock material and property book material.
Supply System Stock Material
Supply system stock material is composed of
the following:
. Sensitive items such as drugs, precious
metals, narcotics, and alcohol regardless of money
. Classified material regardless of dollar
. Arms, ammunition, and explosives
regardless of dollar value
. Pilferable, valuable, and attractive items
that easily convert to personal use (such as hand
tools, individual clothing, office machines, and
photographic equipment) and with a money value
greater than 0
. Bulk petroleum products (refer to NAV-
SUP P-485, paragraph 5126)
. Noncontrolled items when the extended
dollar value exceeds the causative research
threshold of ,500 (,000 for combat logistics
force food items)
l Mandatory turn-in repairable (MTRs)
regardless of money value
. Discrepancy or repetitive loss where there
is an indication or suspicion of fraud, theft,
negligence, or other personal involvement where
a law was broken (UCMJ, federal, state, or local)
Property Book Material
Property book material consists of all govern-
ment property other than supply system stock. It
includes military real property, military personal
property, weapons and other military equipment
in use, and plant equipment. When property book
material is lost, commanding officers must
determine if a report of survey is required to assign
responsibility, adjust records, or provide relief
from accountability. Normally all items in this
category are subject to survey, with the follow-
ing exceptions:
l When the
involved, a motor
loss of a motor vehicle is
vehicle accident investigation
report may be used instead of a survey. The
accident report may be used for survey purposes
only when the investigation clearly indicates that
there is no negligence, personal injury, or claim
against the government.
. Discrepancies in quantities transferred to
disposal are not surveyed provided that the value
of the loss is less than per line item and does
not involve sensitive items. A pattern of shortages
may trigger an investigation to identify theft or
intentional losses of items to avoid turn-in
. Special tooling and special testing equip-
ment reporting procedures should be provided by
the cognizant laboratory or hardware systems
l Noncontrolled items with a unit price of
less than
,000 should not be surveyed, unless
there is suspicion of fraud, negligence, or other
personal responsibility.
Missing, Lost, Stolen,
and Recovered Reports
In addition to the above procedures, SEC-
NAVINST 5400.4 should be consulted with
respect to the policy of missing, lost, stolen, and
recovered (MLSR) reports. ADD Form 200 and
the MLSR report are required for losses of
sensitive or classified items and for arms,
ammunition, and explosives.
The DD Form 200 is used to document the
report of survey and certify the survey process
when government property is gained, lost, or
damaged. This form is the official document to
support establishment of debts, relief from
accountability, and adjustment to accountable
records for supply system stock and property
book material. Preparation of the DD Form 200
may vary slightly, depending on the nature of the
asset (property book material or supply system
stock). The Report of Survey, DD Form 200
(front and reverse) are shown in figures 3-14 and
3-15, and instructions for its preparation are listed
in table 3-2.